A new year's card.

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You are the greatest grandpa!! Please be sure to start a little scrapbook of all the things you see, feel, capture about Ellie. It will be a treasure for her and for your daughter and son-in-law.

Happy New Year!!

Dennis you might be interested in what I did for Harry on his first birthday- it's a hard cover book composed of pictures of his first year, one page for each month with captions and can easily be made at:http://mypublisher.com/newGetStarted.php
It turned out so great that I daughter plans on making one for every birthday.
Phyllis: I love making books from my photos. The iphoto program for Apple has the software pre-loaded. With a little bit of practice, you can do every page exactly the way you want it. When we have taken trips with friends, I have often taken my best pictures and put together a book with the pictures, "inside" jokes, some original writing or lyrics from a song we enjoyed during the trip.

You can mix this in with cartoons pulled from the internet (I make extensive use of Google images). It is a great surprise gift for someone when that book arrives in the mail a week after they get home from the trip. (For those that may be interested, I just email the file (book) to Apple, and they mail the completed book to whomever you designate).

Marguerite: Thank you for the kind words. I sure do like the idea of being a "great Grandpa". That's my job, and I love my work! I am going to take your advice. I have done books for her Mom and Dad (which are all about her), but I am going to start a book especially for her, that I can give to her several years from now. (God willing, it will be a very long book).

I got a story just from the 2 pictures even outside the growth. The first picture I viewed as Ellie walking towards Grandpa and the second as a somewhat independent little lady driving away. Proud and sad all at the same time.

I am truly looking forward to 2008 since 2007 wasn't all that terrific for me but "it coulda been worse". :D ;) :D

As always, thanks so much for letting us share in Ellie's life.


Your observations really made my day. I would only add one thing--this year I turned 60. In what I hope is a non-morbid way, I have started to be aware that not just Ellie, but time itself, is pulling away. Hence the bumper sticker for the year 2007. It has been a good year for me.

When we get a chance to spend time with Ellie I see so many things that remind me of Stephanie-our daughter, Ellie's mother. All of the investments you make as a parent (I am not talking about the money), but the investment of our very lives---I feel like I have entered a stage of life where the very long term dividends have begun to appear.

I have stepped away from the wheel, and a new Mom and Dad are driving the bus. There are new drivers, and new roads, but also a lot that seems familiar. When I am here, it is clear to me that the investment of my life has left old, vague, but important fingerprints in all the right places. In a day I must go, and take comfort from the fact that those influences remain. I no longer drive the bus, but I am welcome to fly down, hop on the bus, and enjoy the trip. That's more than enough for me, and sufficient to have made 2007 a very good year indeed.
Dennis S said:
Your observations really made my day. I would only add one thing--this year I turned 60. In what I hope is a non-morbid way, I have started to be aware that not just Ellie, but time itself, is pulling away. Hence the bumper sticker for the year 2007. It has been a good year for me.

When we get a chance to spend time with Ellie I see so many things that remind me of Stephanie-our daughter, Ellie's mother. All of the investments you make as a parent (I am not talking about the money), but the investment of our very lives---I feel like I have entered a stage of life where the very long term dividends have begun to appear.

I have stepped away from the wheel, and a new Mom and Dad are driving the bus. There are new drivers, and new roads, but also a lot that seems familiar. When I am here, it is clear to me that the investment of my life has left old, vague, but important fingerprints in all the right places. In a day I must go, and take comfort from the fact that those influences remain. I no longer drive the bus, but I am welcome to fly down, hop on the bus, and enjoy the trip. That's more than enough for me, and sufficient to have made 2007 a very good year indeed.

Dennis, I love the way you expressed this new phase of your life and I can so appreciate the sentiment. After just spending the holidays with our children and grandchildren, I feel the same. There are no greater rewards then those you get when you see your children raise their children and emulate the good times and values that you tried so hard to instill in them. It is a blessing isn't it and well worth the investment!
Dennis, nice card photos!!
This past year I have started to make some cards and I find it's a fun way to customize and get some use out of all the photos that I hoard away. Last week my daughter turned 23 and for the front of her card I used an old picture of her blowing out the candles on her cake when she had turned 9. Inside I wrote something about how no matter what her age, we are so proud of her and wish all the best for her.
I thought she might find it too sappy, but she liked it.:)

That is an awesome card :).

Sometimes I wish more people would "get it", but it sure is nice to know that people DO get it ... and share that knowledge/understanding. I know I don't always post a reply to your threads, but I always enjoy seeing whatever pics you post and stories you tell!


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from walking to driving in one year! Yes, Grandfather, they grow quickly and soon are grown - and we hardly even realize it is happening.

Thanks for the pictures - they are always special.
Dennis S said:
I have stepped away from the wheel, and a new Mom and Dad are driving the bus. There are new drivers, and new roads, but also a lot that seems familiar. When I am here, it is clear to me that the investment of my life has left old, vague, but important fingerprints in all the right places. In a day I must go, and take comfort from the fact that those influences remain. I no longer drive the bus, but I am welcome to fly down, hop on the bus, and enjoy the trip. That's more than enough for me, and sufficient to have made 2007 a very good year indeed.

I just turned 54, and my 3 are in their early 20's, but after this holiday and spending time watching, listening and being with them I can see that I am definitely walking toward that bus stop where the transition is going to occur.

This sentence of yours "When I am here, it is clear to me that the investment of my life has left old, vague, but important fingerprints in all the right places. " ....... deserves a place in that scrapbook!! That was very poetic and is sure to hit home when your daughter is turning the pages of her own life.

Thanks for always giving us so much!
