A new way to take the rat poison ?

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Hey folks, just found a very different way of consuming the old rat poison...

We had a three night break in Krakow, Poland. Best preserved medieval city we've come across in Europe. Wonderful churches, castles and somewhere everyone ought to visit - Auschwitz-Birkenau :( - the nadir of human madness.
Saw in the guide book about this vodka that contains coumadin! So of course, in the interests of medical science, I just had to try some... this is a description:
Zubrowka, or bison-grass vodka, is made with rye grain and then infused with the flavor of ?sweet grass? or Hierochloe odorata in Latin, from the primeval Bialowieza Forest. The vodka is 40 percent alcohol, is greenish yellow in color and has an herbal sweet taste. The vodka's flavor is a result of the infusion of one or two kilograms of bison grass per one thousand liters of vodka. Then, a long blade of this grass is typically placed in each bottle. Hierochloe odorata contains coumarin, a naturally occurring chemical which was originally used to flavor tobacco and cakes and has been found to display various medicinal properties, such as a blood thinner. Zubrowka contains only about a dozen milligrams of coumarin per liter
...so, as I'm on around 10mg per day, I just need to drink a bit less than a litre of this vodka a day.

Just a few teeny problems with that though...

- it tasted just as disgusting as the other vodkas I've tried
- my liver would have the lifespan of a mouse on speed
- this particular vodka is not available outside Poland as it contains coumadin

Phew, I can just stick with my pink, blue and brown pills:D
Originally Posted by ClickerTicker
it tasted just as disgusting as the other vodkas I've tried
....perhaps the taste can be hidden as a Bloody Mary or Vodka Martini (shaken, not stirred)....then take half a pill and drink half a litre. :D
Coumarin is not CoumaDin.

Coumarin is the chemical that gives cut clover its smell. Spoiled clover resulted in coumarin becoming the chemical that eventually was made into Coumadin.
allodwick said:
Coumarin is not CoumaDin.

Coumarin is the chemical that gives cut clover its smell. Spoiled clover resulted in coumarin becoming the chemical that eventually was made into Coumadin.

Well, RATS!!!

(edit - Clicker Ticker - I'm just reading an autobiography of an Auschwitz survivor. What history, that place. My husband and some friends and I toured Mauthausen in Austria above the Danube this past summer. I couldn't go in though, too sickening.)
Thanks Al - I just thought that coumarin was a variant spelling :eek:

Going slightly off-topic, among the many facts and horrors we encountered at Auschwitz-Birkenau concerned the commandant, Rudolf Höss (not Hess - different guy). Höss lived with his wife and four children in a house just a few yards from the gas chamber / crematorium in Auschwitz I (both are still there), where some of the earliest killing experiments were conducted using Zyklon B gas canisters. The crematorium part of this was very "industrial" - a mini-railway system complete with turntables was used to move the bodies to the ovens. During his working days, Höss presided over the murder of more than a million people, but once he came home he lived the life of a solid, middle-class German husband and father. I just wonder what he said if his kids asked "what did you do at work today daddy?" :mad:

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