A New Image For Me

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Taking on a new image. Which looks most like the real me?

Oh Definitely the Blue...

Oh Definitely the Blue...

This way we will be noticeable in our "scooter buds from hades" outfits...LOL :D :D :D :p :D :D Harrybaby
I love those shades!

I love those shades!

I love those shades on the blue so I vote for that.

What happened to the gorilla? I miss seeing him and the walking surgeon pulling on rubber gloves with an authoratative snap..HaHa guess what he's going to be up to.



The Blue is YOU. But don't forget to include our friend the dancing devil....I miss him already!

:D Marguerite
Do we get a prize for voting? :p Al and I are giving my famous canned Possum meat for his polls on Coumadin. :D What are you givng away? :p Bon


Anything that will replace the one you have on now. :eek: Rufus, my cat, just jumped on my computer..took one look at you and FLEW underneath the bed. :D You look like one of the guys from the movie, Deliverance.. :eek: that was filmed not far from where I live. Remember those guys. :eek: I will lock my doors tonight..not for my bear, Zeke, but from you. :eek: :eek: :eek: Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Anything that will replace the one you have on now. :eek: Rufus, my cat, just jumped on my computer..took one look at you and FLEW underneath the bed. :D You look like one of the guys from the movie, Deliverance.. :eek: that was filmed not far from where I live. Remember those guys. :eek: I will lock my doors tonight..not for my bear, Zeke, but from you. :eek: :eek: :eek: Bonnie

My first thought too. Them wuz bad boys. Of course, made the rest of us southerners look bad too.

May God Bless,

Now, where was the proper "poll" Ross?!

Anyhoo, I actually thought the RED. Not entirely sure why.... it just seemed the most appropriate.

A : )