I saw my card today, she's looking for the best surgeon she can find. Does anyone know of any really good surgeons in the Memphis, Tn area? She wants to find "one who's not old and not young. Someone with experience that is also up to date with the latest technology."
Iwas looking on the Baptist Hospital website and they are now doing OHS with the daVinci Robot. Any one know anything about this? It's less invasive and that sounds good to me.
I'm the only patient this office has seen with scar tissue encroaching on my valve (The group was founded in 1920), so she's been really cautious, which I do appreciate. However, I am willing to travel to Birmingham if I need to.
She told me today that the surgeon would do a heart cath to measure the gradiant(?). I've had 2 heart caths before, not sure what this other is.
Hope everyone is feeling good tonight.