A little scare last night and i started a blog

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Again thank you all so much. I am probably a little obsessed with reading and posting but it has been so good for me. I have a little too much time on my hands right now!

Last night after going to the bathroom (yeah I know that is too much info, but may be the cause, since I strained a little) I had a sharp pain about mid-clavicular about 2 inches below my shoulder. It scared me a bit and so I went and laid down and relaxed and it went away. I have had pangs like this off and on for about a week or two, but they always go away with a burp or just sitting down and resting. Is this me thinking way to much about every little pang or should I mention this to my cardiologist (I could call him tomorrow). I see the surgeon next Monday, and hopefully will have a date after that. I am also very uncomfortable if I overeat even a little. My appetite from the eyes is still a bit on the voracious side but I am comfortable eating way less than I used and am very uncofortable if I eat to much. Anybody feel that before. It is like the comfort level on many things seems to be more sensitive. Maybe I am just wierd.

I also wanted to mention that I started a blog. I am new to that so forgive me if it is a little corny. Learning as I go. The web address is:


Thanks again for everything.
Hi Randy,
First of all, loved your blog. I enjoy reading perspectives of life coming from a basis in faith. The women in your life are very beautiful!

I would call your cardiologist and mention what you've been experiencing. With an aneurysm your size, I don't think your are being overly cautious. It could be coincidental or something trivial, but peace of mind is a valuable thing to have and if talking to your doctor will help with that, then pick up the phone.

Best wishes. I look forward to continuing to read your blog additions.
Yep I understand what you're saying especially about eating. I'm pre-op as well (getting 'fixed' July 11) but my appetite is as it's always been. I have noticed what you are saying - if I eat even my normal amount, I feel "too full" and would have great difficulty taking a long walk at that point. I'd be very SOB and tired. If I take a walk before eating, I'm mostly fine.

I have BAV and an aneuryism measuring 4.5. I do think the heart issues can account for a lot of the discomfort we feel, inside the chest area. I have pains that come & go and mostly don't mean much. I mostly have discomfort from being short of breath. Lately, my "asthma" meds have not been effective, another sign that I may not actually have asthma.

But yes, be sure you do mention this to the cardio. Never hurts to be too careful in these things.

Great blog by the way! They look different when done on a "Mac" that's for sure :) But I like it!
I haven't gone to your blog yet, but I will.
I am concerned about the symptoms you are reporting and I will echo Karlynn's advice to call the cardio. Actually I am going to suggest that you insist upon seeing the cardio. We're going into the long holiday week-end, so you might have to be assertive, but be assertive!
Ditto Mary; are you retaining a lot of fluid? I had the same problem a couple of months before I was diagnosed; I was in heart failure and that caused the full feeling (ascites).
Hm. Well, I was going to simply chime in and say that without the aneurysm, just the BAV (which ended up being critical at a .4 something valve opening) as I got closer to surgery, I felt exactly the same things you describe, in exactly the same situations! Basically, I just adjusted. Stopped straining for everything. Stopped overeating. Stopped all foods that seemed to exacerbate my system at all. Walked around abit as if on egg shells there for about a month before surgery. Self-protection mode. No stress, no conflicts, no heavy anything. I suspect it may all have had something to do with the suppressed stress I was going through while surgery was looming. Those problems are now gone post-surgery. Of course, I still overeat once in awhile, but that scary feeling of (almost of imploding, I guess you could say) is gone. And that dam* pinching around my heart...gone. Man, I don't miss that!!

I agree that you should talk to a doctor before the weekend gets in full swing. Better safe than sorry. And I would recommend that you go into a self-designed, slower mode and avoid overeating and straining, etc. It will help you relax, which you should also do this weekend!! :)

Good luck! Marguerite

When I first was told I would on day have to have OHS I felt every little thing that when on inside me. I even went to the ER with major chest pain. I found out in the ER it was an anxiety attack. There is a good chance you just stressing over you BAV. (Not saying I wouldn't or didn't when I was in you shoes!) I hope you get fixed soon!!! Good Luck & God Bless
volsfan said:

When I first was told I would on day have to have OHS I felt every little thing that when on inside me. I even went to the ER with major chest pain. I found out in the ER it was an anxiety attack. There is a good chance you just stressing over you BAV. (Not saying I wouldn't or didn't when I was in you shoes!) I hope you get fixed soon!!! Good Luck & God Bless

I agree that anxiety can play a part; however with Randy having a 5.3 ascending aneursym, I don't think he can afford to take any chances. We don't need him experiencing a dissection before he gets fixed!
talked to the Dr.

talked to the Dr.

Thank you all for your insight. I talked to Dr. Siegel and since the pains (I like what Marguerite53 called it, pinching) seem to be transient in nature and aren't lasting more than 5-10 seconds he flet that it was okay to stay the course and see Dr. Trento on Monday. Hopefully next week i will have a date and will move forward. I am okay with that and he encouraged me to call over the weekend if there were any further or worse symptoms. I am trying to slow it down more and I have as some of you suggested begun to eat less and feel better in that sense. It is very hard for me to live the slow life. I get antsy and bored easy. I am sure if I were a child in school now I would be titled ADHD, but I truly am trying to keep it slower. Spending time at the computer is for the most part a good distraction.

I got very little sleep last night after reading about Cindy Karnish. It again reminded me off my own mortality, but to see a 46 year old beautiful young woman lose the battle was devastating to me. My concerns were more for her family. I felt so much grief for them. That is what is hardest in this whole thing for me. I love my wife and daughters so much I don't want them to be alone in this harsh world.

I just heard from the genetic counselor and I definitely do not have marfan syndrome. That is very good news.
:) Ozmercy,
I have experienced similar things in the same circumstances.. a thought that goes through my mind is that the 'King' Elvis Presley supposedly died on the throne due to heart trouble. I always think of that for some reason.
I take an Advocare product called Restore that helps. When I asked my Surgeon about my restrictions until surgery the main he said (he actually made a face along with it) was NO STRAINING. My condition is certainly not as serious as yours..so, I would think this wouldn't be good for you for sure!
I eat less too.. I get more out of breath if I eat too much. It is like my heart starts palpitations trying to digest the food. I find I bloat more too.
Hope that helps, Good luck,