A Little Concerned

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Mar 6, 2011
Springfield, IL
Yesterday my Cardiologist gave me the results of my echo. My gradient is increasing, so he scheduled a TEE(Transesophageal Echocardiogram).

Having had two OHS in the past, the only time I have had TEE's was when they knew my valve was in bad shape, and that OHS was going to be needed. So, now I've got to believe that I'm back on that same road again. My cardiologist told me he just wanted to check it out to get a better picture. But I've gotta believe that he is pretty concerned about it to schedule a TEE.

Has anyone had a TEE done and not had to have surgery afterward? Or had a TEE because the doctor wanted to be on the safe side? For me, they were pretty sure I needed to have OHS before hand.

Thanks for your answers!

Hopefully, having a TEE isn't necessarily an indication of needing a third surgery! I had a TEE after being hospitalized for an infection to make sure the infection didn't attack my heart. It hadn't, so the outcome was most definately good. Hoping that the results of your TEE is encouraging as well! Best of luck!
Thank you blessed! I'm trying to get back into Pre-Surgery mode again just in case. I really don't want to, but it's better to be prepared, both mentally and physically. And to keep head up and thinking positive thoughts.
Paul, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking in various forums and there is swealth of knowledge here for the future ..... our family member Penny http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/member.php?7506-Penny had a TEE for diagnostic purposes ...you can follow the whole thread or here is a highlighthttp://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?36111-Blood-Clot-or-Infection&p=476527&highlight=#post476527
a list of acronyms and short forms http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?27413-List-of-Acronyms-and-Glossary

what to ask pre surgery http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?26668-Pre-surgery-consultation-list-of-questions

what to take with you to the hospital http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?13283-what-to-take-to-the-hospital-a-checklist

Preparing the house for post surgical patients http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?19034-Getting-Comfortable-Around-the-House&p=218802

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well
hi there :)

i had a tee two weeks ago to rule out any problems. my valve shows up strangely on echo's, so my cardio wanted to be sure. turns out he says it is perfect so i guess that helped! it has also been a relief for me as well.
Paul I'm afraid I can't help you with your question but wanted to welcome you to VR.coml. I've had two TEE's but one was before a cardioversion that they had to abort because of a blood clot and the other was before an ablation that was successful (they decided to do ablation after clot was dissolved).

I just had my 2nd surgery so I kind of know how you are feeling. Mine started with a mild dilated aortic root that kept accelerating in size every year. When they decided to do an MRI after doing an echo I had that feeling that it's time to get myself mentally prepared to have surgery again. I ended up having surgery a year and a half later. It should have been earlier but they had me on a no work order thus no insurance. I finally got accepted by Medicaid and my final reading on my root was 5.8cm. My surgeon said that it was actually larger than that when he got in there (even had to use a different valve than planned). Good luck regardless of the results and let us know how you're doing.
Hi, Paul!

I had a TEE after a bizarre vision "episode". They were checking for a blood clot in my heart that might be disintegrating, but after the TEE showed no problem, the conclusion was that I'd had some kind of odd ocular migraine. All I had to show for my TEE was a nice little 20-minute nap, while I waited for the TEE "happy juice" to wear off! :D

Hope yours is good news!
Thank you everyone for your responses. They were all helpful. It's nice to talk to people who have been through the same thing.

I pretty much know the answer to my question, but wanted other opinions, and for that I'm thankful. The pain I have been having in my chest area, and the times I have the pain, are a telltale sign to me that something is wrong with the valve again. But, what can you do? Just a lot of hope and praying and living until the operating room. :) And hopefully a drama free recovery.