A Good Cell Idea

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My uncle just sent me this and I thought I'd pass it along. Sounds like a great idea.


Here is an article that appeared in todays
Seattle paper that really makes sense.

"If you own a cellphone, here's a term that you should know and use:
ICE, or "In Case Of Emergency.

Emergency personnel and cellphone providers are encouraging people who
own cellphones to make an entry in their phone contacts list under the
heading ICE. Under that listing, you enter the phone number of a close
relative or friend who should be contacted if you are injured

For example, an entry could read: ICE- Dad, and then Dad's phone number.
Another could read ICE-Spouse, and then your spouse's phone number.

According to Qwest Communications, the idea originated from paramedics
in England who needed to identify emergency victims who were carrying
only a cellphone.

"Every wirelessphone should have an ICE
number entered" said Fire Chef Daniel Qualman, President of the Colorado
Fire Chiefs Association. "It helps first responders - paramedics, fire
personnel and police provide aid shoud a person not be able to speak for
themselves in and emergency situation.

According to Qwest, news reports indicate that in 2003 close to 900,000
emergency victims in the United States were unable to provide contact
information to emergency-room personnel."
My mom sent me an email with that information in it. It is a great idea. I went and added it to my phonebook on my cell as soon as I read it. Hopefully, it will never be needed but it's there just in case!
Great idea

Great idea

Karlynn, thanx for passing that tidbit along. It's especially useful for those out walking, like many of us have been advised to do. Hope it catches on. -- Jim
Thank you.

Thank you.

Karlynn. that is a good idea. Thank you for passing it on. I've already told about 10 teenagers headed off to college.

Another thing. 911. With my son now out of state with no land line phone, I wondered about emergency response to his dialing 911 from his cell phone (based here in Oregon). Verizon told me that as long as he has his personal cell phone (family plan, but we all have different kinds of actual telelphones) set to use the E911 system, and they (the city where he now resides) are hooked up to the E911, he should be fine. All cities are required to be hooked up by 2008. Most larger cities are, already. I guess it links them to the local 911 and then to a GPS so they can find you in an emergency. Certainly worth checking into when you are travelling outside of your own area. For Verizon, the symbol which verifies that you are using E911 shows up on the face of the phone as a cross (like Red Cross) within an ovalish circle.
