A funny thing happened on the way to the bank. . .

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
Okay. One more silly story and then I will be quiet for a while (yeah, right! :D ).

Yesterday I had to bring some money to the title company for the condo that I am buying. Yesterday was also the first payday for my new job. So the big plan was to get my check, deposit it in the bank, and then run over to the title company with the check. Run over proved to be the phrase of the day.

Being new to the neighborhood, I looked up the closest branch of the bank on the Internet, MapQuested the location and set off. All was well until I made a wrong turn ended up in the parking lot of the apartment complex next door. There was no access to the bank lot, and only three left turns in heavy traffic could get me into the bank lot, so I parked in the apartment lot and walked over to the lobby of the bank. Except there was no lobby. This happened to be a drive-thru ONLY bank. :mad: Putting on my thinkin' cap (and still not wanting to move my car), I walked up to the drive-thru lane and proceeded about my business. In a matter of moments, the snarly voice of the teller came on and said, "For liability reasons, we can only service people in vehicles. You must get in your vehicle and drive-thru."


So I walk back over to the apartment lot (and STILL not wanting to make THREE left-hand turns) I try to drive over the curb separating the apartments and the bank. :D What was I thinking?!? Must have been some lingering effect of the anesthesia. :D I bottomed out over the curb in my low-to-the-ground Honda Accord. :eek: For several minutes, I amused the tellers - who were in full sight of this debacle - trying to get UNSTUCK. Yep, rubber was burning, wheels where spinning, and I was about as embarrased as one can get in the parking lot of a bank. If only I didn't need to get the money to the title company TODAY, I would have gone in search of another branch.

But I DID need the money today. so I made the three darn left-hand turns and finally made it to the drive-thru lane IN A CAR. :) The teller yelled at me one more time for failing to fill out the form correctly, and then the ordeal was over. I slinked out of the lot, never to return again.

A funny thing happened on the way to the bank. . .

National Lampoons Melissa Griswald goes to the bank! Welcome to Wally World!

Never ever believe an internet map. Never ever believe anywho for looking up my mailing address. Moral of the story--Don't trust the internet. ;)
YOU MESSED UP A HONDA ACCORD??? YOU MEAN YOU REALLY MESSED UP A HONDA ACCORD???? FOR SHAME I had a Honda once and I would never ever mess it up, Melissa

I have had my laugh for the day. Was like being that fly on the wall. hahahahahha......:D :D
identity crisis

identity crisis

You made a 1st impression at that bank that won't soon be forgotten. You probably have been identified as a d---- ------,well I just cant say that to you.:D

Methinks you had better change banks, or at least do not go to that annex for awhile.

I liked the story, it seems you were on a mission and focused on the final conclusion and brushing away any interferance. DRIVEN thats what you are.:)

Your next vehicle should be a tank. That'll go over everything, and the tellers won't argue with you, I bet. Better still, you could drive right inside and skip the window.
Thanks for all of the advice. Sounds like I should stay away from that bank for awhile. :D And as for Boulder people - sometimes I wonder about them, too! :)
:eek: You were having a blonde moment. Like to call them brain hiccups.:D

One reason I will not give up my high riding SUV;)

My husband has a Civic, I have a CRV. My car doesn't hold as much as my old Dodge Grand Caravan :mad: , but it will drive over curbs just fine. Have done it once or twice, but very gingerly.

Will have to alert my friends up in Boulder, Louisville & Nederland to watch for a woman driving an Accord over curbs near banks. :D

Having worked for a bank and subsequently been "outsourced" by same, I have developed a VERY low tolerance for surly bank staff. For that matter, I have a very low tolerance for surly service people anywhere. Of course, I never had to face customers directly, but...

I'll paraphrase the oft-posted advice about dealing with medical professionals, "Remember your banker works for YOU."

My current bank is still my former employer, PNC Bank. We used to joke that the "PNC" stood for "Please No Customers" and/or "Please, No Comsumers".

I'm just curious, if you bottomed-out the Accord, how did you get it freed again? And, more importantly, did you get to the title agency on time?
Curb Appeal, Curb Your Appetite, Curb Your Emotions, Curb Your Dog, but don't Curb Your Car! (Three lefts do make a right though...):p
GiddyUp Dolly...

GiddyUp Dolly...

Melissa -- you need to move to rural South Texas where you can still ride your horse thru the drive-in teller window. And if you chose to walk up to it, they'll wait on you with a smile!

Suggestion: Buy a few shares of stock in that Bank, go to the annual stockholders meeting and eat, drink and be merry!!

Sheeeeesh, big city banks!:mad:
Cant' believe you hurt that baby, Melissa.

Did you know they had Hondas in biblical days? The twelve disciples were in one ACCORD!

While we're at it, there were firemen at the birth of Christ. Wisemen, shepherds came from afar! (soma y'all might not get this!) :D :D :rolleyes:
I gottit Ann.........

I gottit Ann.........

I got your little joke about the wise men coming from a 'far'....wonder if our Dave was at that 'far' too, well he's a 'Far-man' isn't he?

No excuse for the locals not 'getting' it if I did......or am I spending too much time on VR......maybe I'm starting to talk 'Merry-can.'

Ohhhhhh, did you know that they played tennis in biblical times? Can't remember the guy's name but it was written that he 'served in the courts with Pharaoh'......and then there was this guy who had a motor-cycle.....the sound of his 'Triumph' was heard throughout the land (Did y'all have Triumph Motorcycles in USA?)

There's a rather naughty one about the longest 'slide' in those days....it referred to the Good Samaritan going from Jerusalem to Jericho on his 4$$.........ooooops Sorrieeeeee Mr Moderator and apologies to Rev'd JimL....

I'm off to confession......Pardon me Father for I have sinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnned....
knew a fella from New Yawk - he married a southerner, but his accent was thick as syrup and everybody knew the moment his mouth opened that he 'wasn't from around here'. I mentioned his accent to his southern wife and how much we enjoyed it. She said that when they visited his home in New Yawk City, he was teased because of his southern accent! Go figger

Welcome to Merri-can, Billy........But you'll be like the guy above. teehee:cool: :)
You all show a fine knowledge of Scripture. On occasion and by request I use the old KJV translation, and sometimes sanitize the readings, changing the "4$$" to donkey. My personal favorite is the "superfluity of naughtiness," which may or may not be appropriate in this context.
Words of wisdom.......

Words of wisdom.......

........from JimL

You use such good words Jim....'sanitize' so much nicer than disinfect. We use the KJV here too as we are slow to change in some respects and I suppose if it's been around for 400 years it must be kinda OK.

Must say I really like a man of the cloth with a little superfluity and of course just a little naughtiness as well....

Have a peaceful Christmas....Joy to the World

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