A fun game.

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Scored 30, didn't do much better second time around either:( , lucky the egg doesn't go back to the begging.

My highest score so far is 240. How on eath did you get to 300? I am very impressed.
Awww now i'm all addicted - got to 260 so far. I'm becoming an eggxpert! hehehe

I got 10 on my first try, 20 on my second try. Then my husband decided to try and got a 270 on the first try... The stinker. :p
OK - I got addicted. Made it to 340 but, the little basket going very fast up and down and diagonally across the screen gave me a headache. To say nothing of scrambling my last 7 eggs.:mad: :eek:

I have to stop - NOW, before my brain is scrambled even more than when I started this game.;)

It is fun tho.
Cris N said:
Okay, so I was a little over-focused... finally got to the finish basket. Now I can move on to some other obsession :p :D
Forget that. Now you will spend time trying to get to the finish, as fast as you can, with as many eggs in the dozen still there (you get bonus points for time and the number of eggs left). Trust me, that's where I am right now. Still addicted and I have finished way too many times.
Still Playing...

Still Playing...

Hi there,

I am still playing the game.:eek: :eek: :eek: I can truly say that I am addicted.:( :( My game has improved though and I've come as high as 340 after many attempts to get even higher. Has anyone gotten to the end of the game when you can't go any higher?:D :D
Stupid game? No, it's fun and that's what life is all about.:cool: :cool:
Yes, I have gotten to the end many times and am now trying to improve my time and the number of eggs left. The final score you get gives bonus points based on time and the eggs left. So far my best score is 1203. How addicted is that??????????:rolleyes:


Gina...Call me dumb but how do you get your score? I have never seen a score when I play. Let me in on your secret please?
Across the top of the screen as you play is the number of eggs left, the score and the time. If you finish the game, a screen comes up that lists the base score, a bonus for any eggs left, and a bonus based on how long it took you to finish. The screen disappears after a few seconds. I have managed to print the screen before it disappears but I haven't figured out how to save it.

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