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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
We are in the final 1/3 of our trip through parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona. This may seem more arduous than it really is, as a part of our route included the place where all four states come together in a single point, allowing you to literally stand in all four states at the same time.

I had hoped for better opportunities to photograph the canyon lands of Utah. However, the great bonus of traveling with Ellie and Frisco pretty much eliminated the opportunities to photograph in the best light. I plan to come back and spend days and evenings as a photographer--but if I do, I am sure to miss my priceless companions. From the pictures I was able to take, I have posted a few on the blog whose link appears below. These would be much better in more dramatic lighting conditions, but that will have to wait for another day.

AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: We arrived at our motel tonight to find the internet connection in our room was through a single ethernet connection-in other words, no wireless access was available, and it appeared only one computer could access the internet at a time. There is probably something similar for PCs, that I don't know about, but our daughter explained that (at least on Apples running Leopard) the internet connection of one computer (tethered to the eathernet cable) can creat a wireless network for the other Apple computers. We were able to be running three laptops and an iPhone from the single ethernet connection. The whole thing took under 30 seconds. This can make the time in the hotel much more enjoyable and productive, and I thought it was worth mentioning, as others may well find themselves in similar circumstances.
Dennis (WOW) what beautiful pictureswhen enlarged
The dexterity in each picture. Thanks so much it's good
for the soul for those of us in the waiting room. Good timing
and i luv life in the clouds and the canyons all beautiful to
focus on your beautiful shots. Thanks again for sharing!

Beautiful pictures Dennis!

I remember Bill & visiting the 4-corners area & we were absolutely riveted by the old indian ruins that were cut into the face of the mountains by the long-ago Anasazi tribes. You wonder how in the world could they commute back & forth to their caves in such perilous places where only the eagles made their homes! It was astounding!

Thanks for sharing!