a few random questions:

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Hi everyone, i have a few random questions that i cant seem to find out the answers too. I have a 1-800# to call later for most of my questions, but i thought maybe some of you might know some answers....

updat: im 25years old, valvereplacement and pacemaker put in this past week.

Can people who have pacemakers pump their own gas?? DUe to the magnetic fields??

Can people who have pacemakers use a nebulizer treament if needed?

Can i use a tanning bed if i want in the winter?

Can i go back on birth control due menstral cramps??

I will ask my doc these questions.. but if you know some answers i would aprieciate some help!!

Diesel :confused:


Diesel said:
Hi everyone, i have a few random questions that i cant seem to find out the answers too. I have a 1-800# to call later for most of my questions, but i thought maybe some of you might know some answers....

updat: im 25years old, valvereplacement and pacemaker put in this past week.

Can people who have pacemakers pump their own gas?? DUe to the magnetic fields??

Can people who have pacemakers use a nebulizer treament if needed?

Can i use a tanning bed if i want in the winter?

Can i go back on birth control due menstral cramps??

I will ask my doc these questions.. but if you know some answers i would aprieciate some help!!

Diesel :confused:

1. Never heard about magnetic fields and pumping gas. Though I do believe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is out for you.

2. I have had pacemaker patients that use nebulizers but that doesn't mean some new opinion has put a stop to it.

3. I don't think anyone should use a tanning bed. I'm a farty old nurse. :)

4. The birth control issue will depend on other drugs you take and if they don't counter-act with each other.

5. Pacemaker technology has grown amazingly this past decade alone. Patients have them for years and they make the quality of their lives tons better. Do write a list of questions for your physician. Hope this helps.
As far as I know, you can do all of the above with a possible exception being the tanning bed. It might not even be an issue either.
Having done a little research.....

Can people who have pacemakers pump their own gas?? DUe to the magnetic fields??

Yup. Whatever energy your pacemaker is putting out, it wouldn't be enough to ignite the gasoline (or whatever other "risk" there might be in pumping gas) unless it was actually an internal cardiac defibrulator and even then, it would have to go off OUTSIDE of your body, that is, be a device that wasn't implanted to begin with, to ignite fumes...

There's a risk with cellphones, but it's minimal actually and usually there are other factors involved in such an explosion, mainly an abnormally high buildup of gas in the air (gas cloud) that would ignite if the phone were to ring. Some phones are more succeptible to this than others based on their internal wiring and such...

Can people who have pacemakers use a nebulizer treament if needed?
Ask your doctor if there are particular medications you should avoid due to your heart condition (the reason you have a pacemaker) I'm not supposed to have albuterol which is a strong stimulant and raises heart rates to levels that would be unacceptable for me and my artificial tricuspid valve... It depends on the med being used.

Can i use a tanning bed if i want in the winter?
Yeah, but you'll have an increased risk of skin cancer. Personally (from a guy's pers[ective by the way) I find the artificial tans women get unattractive. it's a sign of unneccesary vanity and possibly a poor self-image.

Though I guess I'm the only guy on the planet that feels this way because women (and some men) keep buying time on the tanning beds.... :rolleyes:

Can i go back on birth control due menstral cramps??
Again, that would most likely depend on the meds you may be taking for your heart. Some medications interact differently and it's possible that birth control options could reduce or enhance the potency of meds you are taking for your heart, or vise versa... Amoxicillin knocks out certain birth control pills and the effect can last for a month or more AFTER one has stopped taking amoxicillin.... Ask your docs.

I will ask my doc these questions.. but if you know some answers i would aprieciate some help!!
Harpoon said:
Though I guess I'm the only guy on the planet that feels this way because women (and some men) keep buying time on the tanning beds.... :rolleyes:
Nope, your not alone. I feel the same way.
As you said at the last, ask your Doctor :) .

As far as "pumping gas", my AICD is not restricted in that area. I have to avoid strong magnetic fields such as welders, large electric generators, the security sensors at stores (just keep moving--don't wait next to one) and the "security wand" many airports use (I was supplied a card in 7 or 8 languages warning against that). In addition it was suggested (I haven't tested it out yet) that you avoid those speaker room displays that some electronic stores have. Again the magnetic fields. MRI is also out (unless you want to be "attached" to the machine) :eek: :D .

Use of nebulizers is a very important question for your Doc. Some speed up your heart rate and could "confuse" your pacemaker.

Tanning Beds. Never had any use for them. Come on down and I'll put you on the tractor for about 4 hours and you will have a tan to die for :D . And I'll be able to avoid one day of cutting grass :D :D :D .

Can't help you about the birth control :D . To each his or her own :D .

The company that makes your pacemaker should provide you with a listing of things to avoid. Most also have an 800 number you can call to ask about a specific area.

Give that Doc a list of questions and I would suggest taking a tape recorder (make sure the Doc agrees first) to record your visit. The wife and I have had many a "discussion" about what the Doc really said. Then we pull out the trusty tape recorder. Guess our win/loss record is about 50/50 so far.

May God Bless,

I've used birth control pills while I had my pacemaker. Like everyone else said, it depends on what other meds you are taking but I don't think the pacemaker itself makes a difference. I now have a defibrillator and am planning on going back on the pill. Of course, my GYN will consult with the cardiologist before letting me do it. The cardiologist rules over all my other docs. I've pumped gas with the pacemaker and def. and I'm still OK. Of course, the gas prices may kill me first. Not sure about nebulizers or tanning beds. Personally, I'd stay away from the tanning bed...have a family member with melanoma and she used tanning beds. Not saying thats what caused it, but I'm sure it didn't help. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor about any concerns you have. Make a list to take with you so you don't forget anything. Hope this helps.
Man I cant believe how many people actually took time to help me out!!

thanks everyone for all your imput. I finally got to ask some of my questions last night. I saw a doctor who was very knowledgable and helped me out alot. I know most of my questions where kinda dumb for most,but being so new and unfamilar with this, i guess my mind was wondering around 100!!

I imagine after a few weeks with my new mechanical valve and new pacer, i will be doing fine and more relaxed... Just a lot on my mind i guess...

But thanks for everything.. i hope everyone keeps intouch still!!!
And as for the tanning bed... i occasionally maybe once or twice hit it in the winter... but now after hearing the results of you trusty men... i think i'll pass... im not scarry white by anymeans so i guess laying there was for mostly relaxation anyways... ill just have to find something else to do!!!

Take care everyone!! write again!
Diesel :eek:
I prefer my women to be natural. Nothing artificial. Like Harpoon, when I see artificial, I have to ask myself, "What is she trying to hide". Just more useless male input. Do with it what you will.
well Ross im not sure how "natural" im feeling right now... With a new mechanical valve and a pacer put in!!!

But i do understand that there is a difference in the two subjects!!! Just thought i would make light of the subject!!!

Hey is it true that people who have pacers should wear a medical alert braclet?? Im trying to figure out what the heck to put on it. My doctor said i should.

my info is kinda long.. do you have sugestions on what i dont need to put on it... here's what i got...

pacemaker, Mechanical valve
Medications cumadin,
Alergies: Vancomycin, morphine, keflex, biaxin

Not too sure what to put and what not to put... any insight?
Diesel :p
NIX on the tanning bed.

YES to the Medic Alert bracelet or necklace.
You may want to add what position your mechanical valve is in (Aortic, Mitral)

Medication COUMADIN - may want to put it FIRST

Tanning Beds

Tanning Beds

Never been in one..but every Nail place ( and many in my small county) have them.........so my story..is I was in back of this Elderly Lady at Grocery store yesterday...She was so dark and had on shorts...I looked at the back of her legs. She had many BLUE varicose veins.. :eek: It was scary to look at her..someone should tell her, not to wear shorts in public. :eek: ....Bonnie
Well im stopping using that darn tanning bed. I deffinately dont want to start wtih some vericose veins happening!! im only 25 and single... I need to find someone before i can let the veins show through!! ;) :p

We went today to start looking for a medical alert braclet.. Man they sure dont make them too attractive do they?? the one's i found online can get kinda high in price... but i guess we shouldnt put a price on them either...

There's just so much to do and think about the first few weeks home...

I hope everyone is feeling well....
Diesel!! :D
I'm sporting an artificial valve & a pacemaker, too.

Regarding the pacemaker, the only limitation I'm aware of is that I'm supposed to stay at least 3 feet away from a microwave oven when it's on. And at airport security I get frisked instead of going through the metal detector.

There are some fancy medalert bracelets out there, I've seen links to places selling them here. But they're not that different from a regular one, otherwise they wouldn't be recognizable as a medalert bracelet - if I recall correctly, just made of silver instead of stainless steel.

Myself, I keep resolving to fix my medalert bracelet (I broke a link) and start wearing it again, but instead I just keep a medical info card in my wallet. I hate the bracelet.
Hi Diesel, I know what you mean about the medicalert bracelets - they're kind of big for my wrist. I found a nice gold necklace with a red 'medic' snake on the front and you engrave the back of it. Now that was pretty. I think I had mine say ICD - I have a dual chamber pacemaker/defib..

I was talking to some EMT's and told them - I have ICD, Mech mitral valve, coumadin and beta blockers and they said - I should be able to fit all that on a bracelet - but if I coudn't the most important thing that should be listed is my ICD - I guess they don't want to possibly shock my device.

Barry - I was think microwaves are fine for pacemakers.. What brand do you have? Usually they have web sites that will say exactly what's allowable and an 800 number to call.

Marilyn (runnner)

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