Well-known member
1. How long should I tell my dad and sister to plan to hang around after surgery? They are both coming in from out of state and I don't want to keep them at Cleveland longer than I have to. If my hospital stay is 4 to 5 days, I am hoping that maybe by morning of day three - evening of day two, I can send them home. Any sooner than that? That would possibly give me a day or two max (barring any complications) without anyone there with me. My daughters are going to come up and get me (4 hour trip) to bring me home. I was hoping it would be a discharge, get in car, drive and stop, drive and stop, then sleep when I get home. Do we HAVE to stay in Cleveland post discharge? All of my kids are college students and I hate to keep them out of classes.
2. Is it possible to 'do it alone' by day three or four if I have to?
3. Will Cleveland now become my main cardio care people? Any other words, have I said good-bye to the Charleston Cardiology people for annuals, testings, etc.??? I don't think I will mind.
4. At what point in my recovery can I attempt a walk of a half a mile or so? At what point can I expect to sneak out and do these walks on my own whenever I feel like it.
5. I am being told I can possibly come back to work at three weeks post-op cause with teaching there is no heavy lifting, etc. However, if I want to lose control of my class, all I have to do is be stuck behind my desk!!! I don'
t want to sound like a whimp, but teaching is VERY stressful and I can't imagine coming back at 3 weeks no matter how much I love my kids!!! I am thinking more like 5 weeks or so. Geez, I was off 6 weeks for a hysterectomy. Are you telling me for Open Heart Surgery, a three week time off is standard???
6. POST-OP ..... I always always always get sick and have major anxiety when I wake up from any kind of surgery....I have this fear of throwing up with a ventilator down my throat. What are the chances? Are the nurses in charge of me at Cleveland going to take my concerns seriously enough to drug me to the maximum allowed by law??? I know that sounds silly, but I am such a wuss when it comes to post-op. Is it possible to be drugged to the point where I won't even remember coming out of surgery?
7. Will I be out of it before I am wheeled into surgery? Am I going to be thinking how brave I am when it is actually the meds working?
8. If all I am on is Toprol, will I be on any meds at all after surgery if my problem is going to be fixed? I don't take Toprol for high blood pressure.
9. Once I am home, how long do I have to have my daughters with me 24/7??
10. One of my closest teacher friends is wondering if my 'spaciness' will improve once my oxygen flow is normal. When I told him about 'pumpheadiness' and or cognitive compromises, we both groaned. I have always been on top of things and able to express myself, etc. In the last two or so years, I have noticed, I am just spacey and I lose my thought process sometime in the middle of conversations. There isn't dementia or anything like that in the family. I wonder if I have attention deficit disorder? I teach those kids, so I know what I am looking at. There just seems to be air up there in places where there used to be the gray matter.
11.. One more for now, how long do most ohs surgeries last? Mine is fairly simple ohs...Doctor said the hardest part with me will be opening me up.(shuddering right now at the thought), then on to the snipping of a pesky membrane, do a tee and an echo and repair two valves...possibly only one will need repaired.
Ok, that is all I have for now. Oh, can someone help me find the links to what to take to the hospital? Can't find them.
I know my post is entirely too long and I do apologize. I promise to keep them short for now on! Can't imagine having any more questions!
Thanks in advance! Debbi
2. Is it possible to 'do it alone' by day three or four if I have to?
3. Will Cleveland now become my main cardio care people? Any other words, have I said good-bye to the Charleston Cardiology people for annuals, testings, etc.??? I don't think I will mind.
4. At what point in my recovery can I attempt a walk of a half a mile or so? At what point can I expect to sneak out and do these walks on my own whenever I feel like it.
5. I am being told I can possibly come back to work at three weeks post-op cause with teaching there is no heavy lifting, etc. However, if I want to lose control of my class, all I have to do is be stuck behind my desk!!! I don'
t want to sound like a whimp, but teaching is VERY stressful and I can't imagine coming back at 3 weeks no matter how much I love my kids!!! I am thinking more like 5 weeks or so. Geez, I was off 6 weeks for a hysterectomy. Are you telling me for Open Heart Surgery, a three week time off is standard???
6. POST-OP ..... I always always always get sick and have major anxiety when I wake up from any kind of surgery....I have this fear of throwing up with a ventilator down my throat. What are the chances? Are the nurses in charge of me at Cleveland going to take my concerns seriously enough to drug me to the maximum allowed by law??? I know that sounds silly, but I am such a wuss when it comes to post-op. Is it possible to be drugged to the point where I won't even remember coming out of surgery?
7. Will I be out of it before I am wheeled into surgery? Am I going to be thinking how brave I am when it is actually the meds working?
8. If all I am on is Toprol, will I be on any meds at all after surgery if my problem is going to be fixed? I don't take Toprol for high blood pressure.
9. Once I am home, how long do I have to have my daughters with me 24/7??
10. One of my closest teacher friends is wondering if my 'spaciness' will improve once my oxygen flow is normal. When I told him about 'pumpheadiness' and or cognitive compromises, we both groaned. I have always been on top of things and able to express myself, etc. In the last two or so years, I have noticed, I am just spacey and I lose my thought process sometime in the middle of conversations. There isn't dementia or anything like that in the family. I wonder if I have attention deficit disorder? I teach those kids, so I know what I am looking at. There just seems to be air up there in places where there used to be the gray matter.
11.. One more for now, how long do most ohs surgeries last? Mine is fairly simple ohs...Doctor said the hardest part with me will be opening me up.(shuddering right now at the thought), then on to the snipping of a pesky membrane, do a tee and an echo and repair two valves...possibly only one will need repaired.
Ok, that is all I have for now. Oh, can someone help me find the links to what to take to the hospital? Can't find them.
I know my post is entirely too long and I do apologize. I promise to keep them short for now on! Can't imagine having any more questions!
Thanks in advance! Debbi