A few observations about cardio's and the supreme being

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
A lot of threads deal with cardio's good and bad so I thought this joke is appropriate:

Here goes

Joe was met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

Joe couldn't help but notice the wait list to enter was a millenium long.

Joe, was scratching his head, pondering where to sit when all of a sudden a cardiologist in a white lab coat, black bag in hand and stethescope around his neck barged by and entered.

Joe was aghast, asking St. Peter why some professions were allowed to pass right in without waiting even half a millenium.

St. Peter replied "Oh that's God he just thinks he's a cardiologist".

How many of us have voiced that very same opinion?

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Oh my I think I like that one! :p :D Im printing it out to give to a certain "blessed cardiologist"( he messed up my right arm).... :eek:
lance said:
A lot of threads deal with cardio's good and bad so I thought this joke is appropriate:

Here goes

Joe was met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

Joe couldn't help but notice the wait list to enter was a millenium long.

Joe, was scratching his head, pondering where to sit when all of a sudden a person in a white lab coat, black bag in hand and stethescope around his neck barged by and entered.

Joe was aghast, asking St. Peter why some persons were allowed to pass right in without waiting.

St. Peter replied "Oh that's God he just thinks he's a cardiologist".

How many of us have voiced that very same opinion?


LOVE IT....making this into a cross stitch and sending it to my cardios in Ia City....they will catch a grin .....(if I sent to my EX cardio....I wouldn't waste the time cross stitching.... :D
A cardiologist died and went to heaven, but after three days was sent to hell. He asked why, and was told that his HMO had only authorized a three day length-of-stay.
More about "blessed cardiologist"

More about "blessed cardiologist"

Yaps said:
Oh my I think I like that one! :p :D Im printing it out to give to a certain "blessed cardiologist"( he messed up my right arm).... :eek:


did "blessed cardiologist" tear vein in right arm?
LisaD0365 said:
LOVE IT....making this into a cross stitch and sending it to my cardios in Ia City....they will catch a grin .....(if I sent to my EX cardio....I wouldn't waste the time cross stitching.... :D

You cross stitch--WOW. There are talented persons on this forum.
Explanation please

Explanation please

Barry said:
A cardiologist died and went to heaven, but after three days was sent to hell. He asked why, and was told that his HMO had only authorized a three day length-of-stay.

What does HMO stand for?
lance said:
What does HMO stand for?

Health Maintenance Organization.

In the wonderful world of managed care, many folks (including me) belong to HMO's instead of having regular health insurance. With a HMO your out-of-pocket expenses generally are less than regular health insurance, the services being provided as part of a package in which you only pay a nominal co-pay (as opposed to regular health insurance, where you commonly pay 20% of costs).

The downside of HMO's - and what the joke is about - is that there often are stringent limitatations (Utilization Review requirements) on what's covered under the plan - and those limitations are notorious authorizing inadequate length-of-stay for patients, thus imposing premature discharges.
Lance asked; Yaps,

did "blessed cardiologist" tear vein in right arm?

This cardioligist did a cath through my arm, which in turn clotted , my arm turned blue and ice cold.... no anethestics either, not even benedryl...I wasnt getting b/p on my left side..anywhere.. he thought my b/p was too low and was afraid to give any painkiller or relaxant, it was horrible... as he went through my arm it clotted up, as he didnt check my inr correctly. Surgeon was rushed to save my arm, I may take a pic one day and show you the scar..its a long story..lol anyway, he has been a bit better, but he dosent interfere with me much ... :cool:
I doubt that Lance in Ontario would sympathize much with us about HMOs and PPOs, nor would those in most other countries with universal health plans. Their healthcare systems have worked that way for many more years than we've had HMOs. I remember reading in previous posts from people in England who had to wait months to get appointments for surgery, tests, etc. We're actually quite spoiled here, but we just don't know it!
More sympathetic than you may think

More sympathetic than you may think

Lisa in Katy said:
I doubt that Lance in Ontario would sympathize much with us about HMOs and PPOs, nor would those in most other countries with universal health plans. Their healthcare systems have worked that way for many more years than we've had HMOs. I remember reading in previous posts from people in England who had to wait months to get appointments for surgery, tests, etc. We're actually quite spoiled here, but we just don't know it!

Hi Lisa,

Health care anywhere is not a bed of roses and I feel that way every time I read posts about unsympathetic cardios, test complications and downright ignorance about warfarin therapy.

All Buckeyes that were alive during the '60s....

All Buckeyes that were alive during the '60s....

Know that joke was going around Ohio and Michigan then and it was about
Wayne Woodrow Hayes!

lance said:
A lot of threads deal with cardio's good and bad so I thought this joke is appropriate:

Here goes

Joe was met by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

Joe couldn't help but notice the wait list to enter was a millenium long.

Joe, was scratching his head, pondering where to sit when all of a sudden a cardiologist in a white lab coat, black bag in hand and stethescope around his neck barged by and entered.

Joe was aghast, asking St. Peter why some professions were allowed to pass right in without waiting even half a millenium.

St. Peter replied "Oh that's God he just thinks he's a cardiologist".

How many of us have voiced that very same opinion?
