A Christmas message for my friends on the forum.

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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
This Saturday evening our little church, like others across the country, put on our kid's Christmas play. I would estimate that 40% or more of our families are at or below the poverty level. There were only two or three cameras in the crowd of proud parents. I did my best to make up for it, taking pictures like crazy. Providing a cute picture of their kids to proud parents--that has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. I am 10 miles deep into the Christmas spirit, reviewing and printing pictures of beautiful children.

Some of you may have experienced, (or remember the stories of others)-stories about kids getting an apple or an orange for Christmas. Our tiny church provided a brown paper bag with an apple, an orange, some peanuts and a few pieces of hard candy for every child who attended. I am the church treasurer-primarily because I have a computer. This Christmas extravagance left our little church with $29.00 in the bank. Twenty-Nine dollars; and I have never felt so proud of a bank balance. I am fifty-nine years old. I am learning about radical generosity, and learning it from the poorest of the poor. I love my church and its members. "See how they love one another".

I cannot claim this level of generosity for myself. Barb and I have our retirement accounts, and other luxuries. I had not thought of myself as a rich person-but I have not experienced a $29.00 bank balance for many years. I have much to learn in the years that remain. I want to know the things that matter in life. I don't want my senses dulled by riches and luxury. I want to know the truth. The truth about myself as well as others. Maybe I will learn more about spending my money on gifts of peanuts and candy, instead of extravagant gifts for other rich people.

We no longer have a child in the Christmas program. To my surprise, that has not diminished my interest. Those former years with a narrow focus on my children were wonderful. And now, I think it will be wonderful to broaden my focus, to try to see what is happening, in a more general way, to kids in our church and community. As a part of that commitment----

I am getting ready to take a big step of faith, and would appreciate all the prayers of my friends. I have applied for a vacant position on our local school board. In my judgment, the member who has resigned after three years has caused immeasurable damage to our community in general, and the school board in particular. I believe he has acted in a way that awakened and inflamed racial/cultural animosities. If I am chosen, I will be going into a very difficult situation. It seems like everyone loves me right now. The decisions and responsibilities of a school board member will change that, instantaneously, and permanently. I know better, but I am going to serve if selected.

I am a very blessed man. I have spent the evening thinking and writing in front of a warm fire. My beloved Barbara, my wife of thirty-seven years, works and plays hard every day, and has long been asleep, recharging and ready to give her very best to her second grade class on Monday morning. But she is not sleeping in our bed. She is asleep here on the couch, right beside me. This is no accident. She is here because she loves to be beside me, even after all these years. When I am done writing to my friends, I will gently wake her, and turn out the remaining lights. I will see her again, resting with my arms around her, in the morning light. More beautiful, and valuable to me than I could ever explain.

But don?t worry, my friends-I have done my very best to let her now how I feel. There are guys who will never understand how she picked me instead of them-but they never saw the letters and poems I sent her.

I don?t know why some are given so much, and some receive one blow after another. I wish it were not so. But life can be a very subtle thing. In my riches, I have not yet learned to spend my money on peanuts and candy, to give away in a brown paper bag. I am going to be thinking about that during this Christmas season.
What an inspiring and uplifting testimonial Dennis.

I wish you well in your newfound path in life,
and a Merry Christmas that you will remember with pride.

'AL Capshaw'
It sounds like you are in a good spot to be benevolent and bless you for that. I do hope and pray that you get your new job on the school board. We know your past history has prepared you for this so go and do your best for those children in your school system. God knows we need educated and intelligent citizens in those posts. Just remember that it is political, no matter how you look at it, and politics often ain't pretty.

It's really nice to hear of people who, tho retired, are still in the workplace without a paycheck and giving their all. Bet your $29.00 balance will soon rise. Keep the faith.
Thanks for the inspiring post Dennis. Hmmmm apples, oranges, peanuts and candy in a brown paper bag - I feel a song coming on. If I can sift through all the Advent stuff in my brain, I'm going to see what I can get down on paper.

I think the school board and the children they serve would be blessed to have you as a member. Many school boards forget that they serve the children.
What a nice message and what a lucky board of education! Best wishes, Dennis.:)
Wow, what a man and person you are. I know from being a male how hard it is to express ourselves most of the time (I'm getting better at it), but you do it so eloquently. Your family is very lucky.
As I was reading your post I had some flashbacks to a couple of weeks ago to the Oprah Winfrey show where she gave each one in the audience $1000 to spend on someone they didn't know. The returns each of them received and what they were able to do were overwhelming. I'm thinking with what you are doing you are on the road to rich rewards that you are probably not seeking, but will receive.
Many happy holiday blessings to you and your family.
Growing up, our elementary school (Catholic) used to put on a play on St. Nicholas day (December 6th if my memory serves me correctly). We all received little cardboard boxes with candy, an orange and some kind of little toy. It was a very special day and really got us all in the Christmas spirit.

Dennis, I wish you all the good luck in your run for school board. I have often thought of doing the same here since I am so opposed to how things are run. This is one of the ways we can have a say in how our money is spent.

Thanks for your wonderful post.
You are rich indeed.
You understand that the most precious gift in this world is for a man and woman to love, and be loved, by each other.
Such a simple concept, but one many never learn, nor hold fast to.
I congratulate you both you and Barbara on your good fortune.:)