90 Seconds of Fame for My Family!

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
My family was featured in a 90 second news story on an Arizona news station. The story was regarding a new online schooling program that my kids are enrolled in.

I put a link online.

Just go to the www.valvereplacement.com main page and click on the shaking alien smiley face guy in the lower left of the page.


See you all in Denver :cool:
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!

Hank. What a lovely family. Your children are just precious! And what a novel idea. I wish they had had something set up like that to supplement children's studies when mine were younger. Our middle child refused to learn to read and in second grade we ended up using Calvin and Hobbes comic books to entice him (the teacher's suggestion!!) Of course, he read every collection four times. Didn't hurt, gave him an outstanding sense of vocabulary, actually!!

There's something about clicky machines that entices everyone. That and a safe home in which to make mistakes and continue on. Your children seem very relaxed and intent. Your wife has a lovely voice!!

I've noticed, with my kids (22,19,17), though, that the socialization learning factors in enormously, also, as children grow. There's nothing like learning how to deal with a bully who smacks you upside the head with a backpack. Of course, for my daughter who has always been tall and protective, she would defend the bullied by shoving the bullies into the wall! Then there's just the warmth of others' acknowledgement that's so important. When they are teenagers, they need to know that they have had other authority figures who have made sense in their lives and been their supporters. They won't listen to parents exclusively at that age, no way! The "it takes a village to raise a child" theory.

Thanks for sharing that clip. How FUN to have that in your family archives!!
And what a fabulous way to get the family involved. That is so very important so that everyone is up to snuff on their child's development.

Very nice news piece Hank and Michelle. Such a photogenic family!
Hank and Michelle,

Although I teach school now, I stayed home with my kids until the youngest started elementary school. I would have loved to have been involved in such an innovative program. The one-on-one instruction that you are able to provide, along with the video instruction, should make for one high achieving young boy.
You're very lucky to be able to participate, and the people keeping track of data are very lucky to have you in their sample group.