8 Weeks Post Op Now

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I'm now 8 weeks post op and dealing with depression. I was suppose to go back to work next week, but after telling my employer, they advised me they "do not need me". So I'm unemployed now. Its been a week, but I can't stop crying. I put in four years with this company, but after a merger last March, I knew my time was limited. This was not a surprise to me, as the other company has been getting rid of our employees one by one. I have a husband who make a good living and I'm on unemployment now, but wtf.:frown2: Haven't I been thru enough? I'm trying to see the bright side and my glass has always been half full, but now what?:confused2: My husband keeps telling me everything will be okay.....I don't have anything to look forward too anymore, as I couldn't wait to get back to work.:(:(:(
Sorry you are suffering from depression, but know that it is not uncommon after heart surgery. Have you talked to either your GP or cardio about it? They can give you something to help you over the hump, so to speak.

As far as your company goes, depending on their size, what they did may be very illegal. I would go file a claim with your local labor board or call an attorney who specializes in labor law to ask what your rights are.

Keep your head up, things will get better.

I sought out a therapist after surgery because I felt super anxious and traumatized for a little while. It was my first surgery and my first time in ICU, etc. I guess my age at the time (27) I hadn't built up much resiliency. I think from 8 weeks to 12 weeks was the peak of my depression and anxiety. I had a few more trips to the hospital and I think that is what dragged it on. It's hard because your mind will usually think of the near future and near past when it is left to wander, I think the best thing that came out of therapy for me was encouragement to go out and do other things to get other things to think of. I kind of quit my job before my surgery, its a long story, but I think having so much time on my hands was really making things worse. Now that I'm swamped with grad school I'm getting much better mentally. It is really hard to encourage someone that is depressed to go out and do something. I know from being depressed myself and I'm in school for counseling. But with counseling there is a very good sucess rate for getting over a bout of depression. But if you don't go I think the most important thing is to go do stuff. What really got me better was planning to host my first Thanksgiving at my house with my family and the in-laws and then christmas shopping. I think the holidays landed at the perfect time for me. But if there is anything you are good at maybe you could volunteer, or if you want to change your career you can learn some new skills. Take this time to heal and do things that make you feel good in the core of you. Good luck. If you want you can send me a private message, you sound just like me at 8 weeks.
Sorry to hear you are suffering from depression. Hope you work things out. I agree with Kim, contact your local labor board they should be able to guide you in the right direction. Good luck and keep us posted.
TM, depression is very normal after heart surgery. In your case, the additional loss of employment is probably making it worse. BUT, you don't have to feel this way. Depression can be treated effectively today; please, seek help. I was fortunate in that my family doctor anticipated the depression. She reviewed my personal history and began treating me several weeks before surgery. Since this is a well known problem, I am continuously surprised that more doctors do not discuss this possibility with their patients before surgery. Call your doctor tomorrow, explain what is happening, and ask for help. Depression is not a character flaw, rather, it is brain chemistry gone wrong and that is why it can be treated. I would suggest that you ask your Doctor about anti-depressants and also about counseling because the two together are more effective. Do this for yourself; you don't have to feel like this.

I'm sorry for the difficulty.

On another note though, I'll bet your husband is right and this cloud will turn out to have a lovely silver lining. You probably are regaining energy that you haven't enjoyed in a long time and there may be some very enjoyable and creative projects you can think up from your "to do" list. Take care and post again :)
I too wemt the depression route but as i had to and still do attend so many specialists and their clinics I offer my services around my appointments. May I suggest that while you seek employment you may offfer your services as a visiting volunteer with mended hearts or just a hospital auxilary VERY gratifying and keeps you busy and empathy is a great strength.
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So sorry to hear that you are suffering with depression but unfortunately, many of us have battled with depression after OHS! Just keep in mind one thing though, this too will pass! Soon you will start feeling stronger and far better than you ever did before the surgery and then you can go out and find another job. And it may well be that you'll find a better job than the one you had before! Think positive!

And as for "not having anything to live for" as you say.....my dear, you have everything to live for! Don't waste the 2nd chance at life that the good Lord gave you!!!
I will tell you something being 8 weeks post op and on a FMLA leave of absence for this surgery myself, if you were on FMLA, what they did IS illegal. FMLA prevents things like this from happening. I was just talking to a friend of mine who was on FMLA for a surgical procedure when he got his walking papers. He took his layoff notice to a lawyer and if that company wanted to lay him off, they would have to pay him for the entire year (it happened in March last year) plus damages (emotional stress). They opted to take him back where he has been happily employed sense. There are at least a dozen people below him with less seniority who they would have to let go before they got to him.

You get to a therapist and than you get to a lawyer! My sense is that your have suffered un-duly as a result of this most egregious action and you should make sure you mention that to your lawyer as well!

Finally, you are still here with us to be depressed. That is the most important thing no matter what! Depression and job loss can be dealt with, loss of life is forever!
I will tell you something being 8 weeks post op and on a FMLA leave of absence for this surgery myself, if you were on FMLA, what they did IS illegal. FMLA prevents things like this from happening. I was just talking to a friend of mine who was on FMLA for a surgical procedure when he got his walking papers. He took his layoff notice to a lawyer and if that company wanted to lay him off, they would have to pay him for the entire year (it happened in March last year) plus damages (emotional stress). They opted to take him back where he has been happily employed sense. There are at least a dozen people below him with less seniority who they would have to let go before they got to him.

You get to a therapist and than you get to a lawyer! My sense is that your have suffered un-duly as a result of this most egregious action and you should make sure you mention that to your lawyer as well!

Finally, you are still here with us to be depressed. That is the most important thing no matter what! Depression and job loss can be dealt with, loss of life is forever!

I wondered about that too as here in Canada it is against many labour acts but as I am not familiar with US law I couldn't comment

I agree GO FOR IT