8 days post-op

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Mar 6, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Left the Ross at Ohio State last Friday. Surgery went 12hrs instead of the planned 6. Dr. Crestanello took 2 shots at AV Repair, before replacing with the Edwards Perimount Bovine device. He was able to do MV Repair. CABG x3 and excission of lung nodule that just didn't need to be there. Not doing as well as the Caine who just recently posted, but 30min walks will come. Not at all ruling out the 20mile cycling event 5/16.
wow. 12 hours is a long time. They are talking 8 for all my stuff they are doing. Hope you get better and better.
Good to see you posting. It always amazes me to see people post so early. I was out of it for so long. I was exhausted. Hope you have a non-eventful recovery.
Good to see you posting. It always amazes me to see people post so early. I was out of it for so long. I was exhausted. Hope you have a non-eventful recovery.
- Me too

Congratulations are in order,and don't worry we all recover at our own pace,
there is no true 'norm' here. You sound good,and attitude helps alot.
My best-Dina