I am curious as to how an INR can go from 2.3 to 8.1 in one week.
Warfarin is metabolized by the liver. The liver cannot just turn and off for no reason.
Budd-Chiari Syndrome is a a condition that can cause this. It is a blood clot in the blood vessel leading away from the liver. When it plugs up, the liver gets congested and cannot metabolize warfarin. This is a rare and difficult to treat condition.
Gallstones can cause the bile to back up in the liver causing erratic metabolism.
Congestive heart failure can cause the body to fill with fluid, congesting the liver and slowing metabiolism of warfarin. This will resolve with diuretics causing major amounts of fluid loss.
Adjusting the warfarin dose greater than once per week will cause erratic readings.
There may be some other condition that I cannot think of right now, but other than these erratic INRs are almost always caused by varying what you put in your mouth.
I have seen this caused by fake warfarin tablets. Are you sure what you have is actually warfarin? One person had been buying theirs from a pharmacy in a third-world country where they traveled often. Evidently the pharmacy was sold and the new owner wanted to make money faster by investing in sugar pills and selling them for whatever people requested. Probably kept no records to tell the repeat customers from the one-timers -- if he even cared.
There are many herbs and natural products that interact with warfarin. I consulted on a case where a woman lost the sight in one eye from taking St. John's Wort on an "as needed" basis. Unfortunately we are in a let the buyer beware situation here. There is no US law that requires that the products in this category do what people claim that they will. Worse yet, there is not even a law that requires the bottle to contain even one speck of what the label claims is inside.
If you want to stop your INR from being erratic, you can keep a diary of everything that goes into your mouth for a week or two. There is a good chance that this will reveal the culprit.
If you do not have a life-threatening disease, then the answer to the erratic INRs almost surely passes through your mouth.