7 week update

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
Things have really been going good since my last update. Aside from the stomach bug I caught last week, I've been feeling realy good. The chills are finally gone, and I keep getting more and more energy every day. I have pretty much eliminated afternoon naps, but occasionally, I still need to either lay down or go sit tin the recliner for a little bit to recharge the batteries. The kids take more out of me than anything else, but at least I'm here for them. Have been doing some light landscaping work outside the house and trying to help my wife with the inside cleaning as much as I can. Doctors still have me on a 5 lb lifting restriction until the beginning of June, but I do what I can.

Started cardiac rehab yesterday, and I'll be going Mon-Weds-Fri for about 6 weeks. We took yesterday easy (as per my cardiologist recomendation), and I felt really good afterwards. Wasn't out of breath or fatigued. The chest area is a little sore today, but that was from the "crank machine" I was on. The rehab center is nice, and the afternoons are slow for them, so getting on machines won't be any problem.

INR is still all over the place, one time it's low and the next it's high. I've been using an I-phone app (Vitamin K: iNutrients) religiously for the past 5 days to keep track of my vitamin K intake and it keeps a daily running tally, so I should be fairly consistant with how much I take in (been trying to stay around 90 micrograms/day). I've also found sites on-line that I put on my phone that tells you the vitamin k of different foods (www.drgoumet.com and ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/list). My coumadin clinic is working with me and making adjustments as needed. I have another test this Thursday, hopefully it's withing range.

I see my family doctor this Weds and my cardiologist next month. We're heading to my old college this Friday for it's yearly fair, and I'm happy I'll be able to walk around it hopefully without any issues. My four year old loves the fair and I know he was looking forward to it.

Until next time,

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