Hello Everyone,
My first post, just found this forum a wek or so ago. Wish I had found it 7 months ago. But what I've read so far has put my mind at ease about a few things, mostly the questions about coumadin.
I actually had a heart attack on Aug. 21, 2008. Walked to my mailbox, around 100 yds round trip and took aout half an hour to do so. Went to e-room and had a cath done next day. Imagine my suprise when my cardio walked in and told me my valve needed to be replaced! I was sure they had me confused with someone else, but no, it was me.
Had OHS on 08/25/08 and was not fun. That was a Fri. and Monday afternoon I went home. Took 10 days to get up and walking, but been going strong since.
My question is, just exactly how long did it take for the sternum to cease giving you fits????
I still have a few problems when I cough or sneeze, and a bout with a sinus infection was a real joyride!!
Anyway, not complainig, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all of the Q&A in these forums, I no longer have to talk just to people who just don't understand!
AVR 08/25/08 w/2x bypass grafts.
Stent placed 05/02
My first post, just found this forum a wek or so ago. Wish I had found it 7 months ago. But what I've read so far has put my mind at ease about a few things, mostly the questions about coumadin.
I actually had a heart attack on Aug. 21, 2008. Walked to my mailbox, around 100 yds round trip and took aout half an hour to do so. Went to e-room and had a cath done next day. Imagine my suprise when my cardio walked in and told me my valve needed to be replaced! I was sure they had me confused with someone else, but no, it was me.
Had OHS on 08/25/08 and was not fun. That was a Fri. and Monday afternoon I went home. Took 10 days to get up and walking, but been going strong since.
My question is, just exactly how long did it take for the sternum to cease giving you fits????
Thanks for all of the Q&A in these forums, I no longer have to talk just to people who just don't understand!
AVR 08/25/08 w/2x bypass grafts.
Stent placed 05/02