6 month check-up

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Well, I just had my 6 month post-op check-up (Ross procedure) and everything looks great. My cardio was very pleased with everything and gave me no restrictions (which I've pretty much had since 3 months). His only note was that there was a distinct murmur, but he also heard the murmur at my 4 week post-op check-up. He said that murmurs are typical, but that mine sounded more distinct than even a mechanical valve. Admittedly, he said that he doesn't have alot of Ross patients and was wondering if that was normal. Any of you know? He was going to run it by a good local surgeon who has done some Ross' and also chat with some of his buddies about it to make sure there isn't any cause for concern. Other than that, I'm doing very well and feel good too.

I hope this post finds everyone doing well...and for those wondering about 'life after OH surgery', it is possible to be normal again! :D
Wonderful news Doug!!! Hope you continue to have an uncomplicated recovery. Take care, Dawn-Marie

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