5 Weeks TODAY

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Well today is my 5 week post avr op day!!! My recovery has been rather uneventful, which is great! I am completely off pain meds as of week three. I rarely take even Tylenol at this point. My warfin levels seem to be going well, I hope I dont speak to soon:eek:

I do have a few minor complaints but I imagine they are common- just hoping for some feed back on some of these issues.

All in all it has been well...However, I still cant sleep on my side or stomache- is that normal? It still hurts when I sneeze- just not as bad. My Cardiologist told me at week 3 to keep my lifting of anything under 25 pounds- sound right?

I should be starting cardio rehab in about a week- has anyone completed this and if you can provide feedback that would be great!!

Well thanks again for reading!!! Hope everyone post op has a great recovery.
Glad you are coming along nicely. Don't know too much about cardiac rehab cause I didn't do it, but seems other folks have gotten good benefit from it. Sleeping and sneezing or coughing were an issue for me for a while. I am a side sleeper so had lots and lots of pillows to tuck behind me. Sneezing/coughing bothered me a little for some time. In fact some days my silly scar still gives me itching and throbbing (keloid about lower 2" of scar). Anyway in my opinion I believe you are recovering just great. Just hang in there and don't think you have reached your full 10 feet tall and bullet proof potential.:)
It took me a good month before I could sleep on my side. Stomach.....quite a while. That is normal. I did not go to cardiac rehab. Many of people did and I am sure they will give you some advise. Best of luck for your continued recovery.
Your recovery sounds pretty normal to me - I don't remember how long it took me to sleep on my side and stomach, but it was definitely a while. Side came first, then stomach. You're early yet, so just give it a little more time.

Cardiac rehab - some parts I found useful, other parts not. For me - there were mandatory seminars and classes re: healthy eating which I didn't find useful, since I already ate pretty well. (I think they were more directed at the many bypass patients there who needed big lifestyle changes).
As for the exercise part, I did find that useful - just to get me started and give me a bit of a program to work with. It's nice to be monitored for the first little while when you start ramping up the exercise, so that's what I got out of it.

Hope this helps!

Glad your recovery has been uneventful :)

Take care
I am seven weeks post op and it still hurts when I sneeze. I can't lay on my stomach though. I am also still on pain meds. I started rehab at 4 weeks and did about a week and half until I pulled a muscle in my chest (rare thing to happen) and that set me back quite a bit. I truely enjoyed rehab when I was there. I'm glad recovery is going well. Keep up the good work.
I think the positional issues with sleeping are quite common.

I found cardiac rehab to be very helpful. My insurance fully paid for 36 sessions of it, so you will want to check on that beforehand. If it's a costly out of pocket proposition, you can set up your own exercise program, or find help at a "Y" or elsewhere to do it.

We had such a congenial group of nurses and patients that our cardiac rehab was totally enjoyable. I doubt that's the case in every situation. But in any event, there is a lot to be said for being monitored as you gradually get back to being active.

Glad to are doing well overall. Best wishes for continued smooth recovery.

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