In this Fourth of July, I want to share a poem my mother wrote, some time back when she was about 80. She passed away in 1994. My own English translation follows. My mother, born in Spain, Cuban citizen and American resident, deeply loved this country which gave us so much.
Orgullosa de tu fama
Por que eres justa y humana
No te lastima nada
Ni el insulto, ni la critica
Y cuando te queman, te levantas
Orgullosa de la llama
Orgullosa de tus tropas, del nervio
De tu pueblo
Porque en ti hay un pedacito de cielo
Bandera Americana
Maria Menor-Ocampo
Proud of your fame
For being just and humane
Nothing hurts you
Nor the insult, nor the critic
And when they burn you
You stand back up
Proud of the flame
Proud of your troops, of the courage
Of your people
Because there is in you
A little piece of heaven,
American Flag
Happy 4th of July to all
Orgullosa de tu fama
Por que eres justa y humana
No te lastima nada
Ni el insulto, ni la critica
Y cuando te queman, te levantas
Orgullosa de la llama
Orgullosa de tus tropas, del nervio
De tu pueblo
Porque en ti hay un pedacito de cielo
Bandera Americana
Maria Menor-Ocampo
Proud of your fame
For being just and humane
Nothing hurts you
Nor the insult, nor the critic
And when they burn you
You stand back up
Proud of the flame
Proud of your troops, of the courage
Of your people
Because there is in you
A little piece of heaven,
American Flag
Happy 4th of July to all