4 Weeks

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Celebrating my four week "anniversary" tonight by taking my wife out for Valentines Day dinner. She deserves a lot of the credit for my willingness to undergo the operation and my recovery.

I am one of the very fortunate ones who have had very few bumps in the rood so far. I am back to work part time, driving my car (for the past two weeks) exercising by walking 2-4 miles a day and just started working out with very light weights. My INR is still bouncing around a bit but seems to be settling down. I still have some numbness in one leg which seems to be getting better slowly.

Thanks again to all of you for your information, support, encouragement and prayers !
Great to hear you are doing so well. Have a wonderful Valentine's day and a great dinner.
Good for you - a boring, uneventful recovery is good ! Hope you (both) enjoyed the dinner.

From what I have heard, your INR is likely to bounce around at this stage, as your food and activity levels bounce around. It should sort itself out as your body adjusts to the "new" you., and you get on a more regular routine.
When you get tired of your INR bouncing, coming down to the anticoag forum and we'll get you straightened around. ;)


That's good news!

Make sure to listen to your body as you proceed through the recovery and rehab process. It'll let you know what you can handle.

Ross said:
When you get tired of your INR bouncing, coming down to the anticoag forum and we'll get you straightened around. ;)

Thanks Ross. My "bouncing" is in a fairly narrow range. The cardio wants me to be in a 2.0 - 3.0 range and I have been 2.5 -- 3.9 lately.

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