4 out of 5 in one family with MVP/MR, anyone else??

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Buckeye in MI


First of all, this site has helped me so tremendously I can't thank all of you enough. My nerves have calmed and I feel so much more "in the loop" so to speak about my MVP/MR with the need for surgery kind of coming out of nowhere!

I have 4 siblings, I am the youngest. I have mentioned this before in a post but wanted to start a new thread to see if there are any others in my family's position. My oldest brother (he is now 56) got a St. Jude replacement mitral valve in 1990. My 3rd brother (he is 48) got his St. Jude valve for his mitral valve in 1998. Both were 40 years old when they had surgery. Both had to have replacments because they (docs) waited too long. However, my oldest brother's valve was torn so replacement was the best option. Good news is that both are still doing fantastic and have helped ME feel that I'm in a good position hoping for a repair. My sister (54 years) is getting rechecked since my diagnosis recently. I have only 1 brother without MVP BUT he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (ejection fraction 35) at age 50. Yikes! I do have longevity in my family...Mom is still around at 82, perfect health. My Dad passed away with heart disease at age 80. Most all of their siblings are still kicking in their late 70's and 80's. I do have some cousins with MVP.

Has anyone heard of MVP maybe skipping a generation or something?? Or, does anyone else have insight to this? My internist thinks maybe a geneticist would be a good thing. My Dad did NOT have MVP. My Mom is finally going to get checked (yes, she is 82). I have had 2 of my 3 kids checked and so far they are fine.

Let me know if anyone else can shed some light onto this. By the way, we are all athletic, not overweight and in great health otherwise and we are all tall and thin.

Moderate to Severe
Waiting room

Buckeye in MI
My sister has MVP with no problems. And my Mom had MVP with no problems. I also suspect aortic valve involvement a bit because she died suddenly from an aortic dissection.

A writer at the newspaper where I work has MVP. One of her brothers had MVR (tissue) about 4-5 years ago. I believe another sibling has MVP. (Will chat with her later today.)

The writer (medical/health) is who tipped me off about this website 3 years ago and about home INR testing. :)
2 out of 3

2 out of 3

Both my brother (2 years older) and I had MVR at age 44. His was replaced, mine repaired. None of my docs indicated that this was hereditary, but it sure is a coincidence. Third sibling does not have MVP.

I visited with the writer here at the newspaper just now.
MVP in her family:
Brother (has had MVR surgery, tissue I think)
Herself (MVP, no problems so far)
Sister (MVP, may be needing surgery soon)
Mother, still alive, no surgery so far
There may be 1 more sibling with it.
Hi Jane:

A google of "mitral valve prolapse hereditary" turns up loads of medical websites that state MVP is thought to be hereditary. Seems like all of you are bearing that out!
I have MVP but no one else in my family has it - my brother's hearts are fine and my mum also. (my father died of cardiomyopathy but that is a separate issue) It must be hereditary normally though as every time I go for any sort of test they drive me mad by insisting that someone else in my family must have it!!!! I haven't had my daughter checked yet but my murmur was loud at 13 and she is 14 and has no murmur.
I think a Geneticist would be very happy to see you and if possible some of your family that are also affected. Its probably not that often they get to study a large family group like this.
I am in a similar position with BAV and we were seen by the Geneticist who was thrilled to have the opportunity to check us out. :D
My aunt had MVP and 2 replacements..
and I have had it.. so far no one else..

However.. I have Prolong QT and 2 of my 4 kids have it.. It is a congenital heart defect dealing with the rhythms.. and we have no idea where it came from


I recently found that a paternal aunt and her son have MVP, possibly my dad (he died young, unrelated but had endocarditis as a young man). I have aortic insufficiency, with no apparent valve deformations. The doc thinks that my valve problem is congenital - as do theirs. I had thought that the valve problems were hereditary, until I found out that the involved valves were different. Do you think there is a relation, or only coincidence?

Very interesting topic.....
I agree that this is interesting. I'm waiting to be scheduled for Aortic Valve replacement. My oldest brother has had it done two times. He is currently 87. My dad died of a heart attack in the early 60s at the age of 69 and a brother at the age of 49 in the early 70s. I do know that heart problems definitely run to the paternal side of the family. My uncles all had some sort of problems. Unfortunately back then there wasn't a lot of analysis on what caused them.