3rd day post surgery

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 4, 2013
Seattle, WA
Well all, my surgery went great on Thursday. I got me a new on-x 21 mm valve. Dr. Barnhart said valve is working great. Heart started back up with no problems. Was in ICU around 12 hours. Dr. Barnhart stated I was his star patient being the first one out of ICU. Recovery is great. Nothing like I thought it would be. Just taking Tylenol now for pain. Was going home today but they have to get my INR up so won't go home until tomorrow. All that anxiety was for nothing, believe it or not. Gave me 4 mg of Coumadin which did not raise my INR. So they will be giving 6 mg tonight to get it up. Currently it is at 1, which is normal for everyone. So hopefully they will get it up tonight if not they will give me heparin to make my inr go up. Will keep you updated. So far I have not heard my on-x valve yet. Walking very well. Can go further each time. Breathing exercising going good. A little said that I don't get to go home today. Got my own shower today. I have a wonderful support system with my husband and sister. Will update more tomorrow. For those of you in the waiting room fear not.

AVR Surgery date May 23, 2013 at Swedish Hospital (Cherry Hill Location, Seattle, WA) 21 mm ON-X valve. Surgery done by Dr. Barnhart.
So glad it all went ok, keep all of us in the waiting room updated as it makes the wait easier and hopeful x
So happy your surgery and early recovery went so well.

It will take a while for your INR to rise. A dose change doesn't show for about three days. Heparin does not factor in INR but it does protect against clotting in another method....... as does aspirin. Your doctor may send you home with Lovenox to protect you while your INR is low.

You're doing great and we'll look forward to more great reports from you.
Kim my last reading was a 2.8. I'm supposed to be between 2-3. I have another test Tuesday. At the hospital my inr started around 1.2 for a couple days. They kept me and extra day because of it, I was ready to go home 4 days after but stayed 5. My cardio told me they shouldn't keep me in the hospital for my inr. Inr was 1.5 when they released me. You have an on-x valve so don't worry about clotting too much if your inr is not within range yet. Are you supposed to be between 2-3?
Glad to hear things went well for you, it's funny to hear another mention it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, I can also relate. The INR will come around like others has said above, it just takes longer for some. You are probably home now, so get some good quiet rest, and continue to walk, eat and rest, over and over.
Hi, Kim -- So glad to hear from you! You are an inspiration to those of us in the waiting room. I hope it all continues to go smoothly. Happy Memorial Day -- I hope you're at home!
Hi Kim: I have been thinking about you and sending you good vibes. Glad to hear that you are doing well. -- Suzanne
Kim, so very happy your surgery went great! You are a real trooper:). I'm still waiting in the ranks waiting to get my new valve 6/6/2013. Just busy making last minute plans before leaving on the 2nd. Incidentally, I still have not decided on a valve. I have been vacillating back and forth on a tissue valve vs ON-X. Can't decide. Take care and don't do too much too early, but it sounds like you are on top of everything.

Welcome to the other side! May your recovery be speedy and un-eventful!!
Kim my last reading was a 2.8. I'm supposed to be between 2-3. I have another test Tuesday. At the hospital my inr started around 1.2 for a couple days. They kept me and extra day because of it, I was ready to go home 4 days after but stayed 5. My cardio told me they shouldn't keep me in the hospital for my inr. Inr was 1.5 when they released me. You have an on-x valve so don't worry about clotting too much if your inr is not within range yet. Are you supposed to be between 2-3?

They want my INR to be between 2.5 and 3.5. Going for my first check Wednesday. Just glad to be home.
Came home Monday. Realizing everything that has happened is truly a surreal feeling. Doing well. Walking 5 to 6 minutes at a time. Nap, breath etc. Wonderful husband. Thank you all for the prayers before, I really felt them all. The hospital is kind of a fog. Done with that. Now moving on.
3rd day post surgery

Great news! Isn't it funny how many people here tell those in the waiting room not to stress too much?...but we all do.
Great news! Isn't it funny how many people here tell those in the waiting room not to stress too much?...but we all do.

I think there are truly no words someone can tell you about the feelings before. No matter how hard I tried not to worry I did. But it did help reading on this site. The day of I just had to resolve myself that God was in control. The professionals know what they are doing and just go for it.