You've received some good replies concerning looking at the realities of coumadin rather than believing the misconceptions and bad information that's out there.
Bottom line...if you get cut, you're going to bleed...if you get hit, you're going to bruise. The reality is that you'd bleed and bruise even if you're not on coumadin. Sure, if you're on coumadin, cuts will bleed a little longer and bruises will be a little bigger.
AVR surgery has no guarantees. There have been members here who've opted for tissue valves in an attempt to avoid coumadin use, but found themselves on coumadin anyway. We've had other members who opted for mechanical valves in an effort to avoid future re-ops, but found themselves needing OHS again. Sorry, there are no easy answers when it comes to making a decision concerning valve choice.
I was given a choice of mechanical or tissue. I opted for mechanical and have not regretted my decision. So far, despite getting some bad cuts, I've not yet bled out. I've been hit so hard that I've had bones break and still healed-up okay.
Good luck with your decision. Hopefully, your decision will be based upon a perspective grounded in fact rather than fiction.