3 Week update

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Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Orlando FL
Sorry for not posting sooner, I have been so busy!

As mentioned we stayed at a hotel with a kitchenette for the week following surgery, this allowed me to get very healed and mostly slept most of the time also followed up with the docs.

I have to take blood thinner for 30 days, not for the natural valve, but for all the sutures in my repair job....I hate the weekly blood test and have only hit the target of 2-2.5 once.

The drive home was great, I was riding on perceset so I felt nothing.

Upon return home mt tastes have changed, I stopped taking pain pills so I can be in touch with my real healing rate.....I like ice tea and fruit cups, I am eating well rounded meals with my wifes help...no salt, I use no sugar, no coffee and no desire to ever smoke again.

When the hurricane hit Orlando we lost power, I drove to home Depot and bought a generator, drug it out of the car myself and had it running within an hour,,,,,then I slept for the rest of the day. I was doing too much, words to the wise.

I am feeling so string it tricks me into doing too much, my wife and friends tell me, and I do try and listen,,,,a little.

Yesterday I bought a treadmill on Craigslist for 250 bucks it has been raining all week and now that the rain has stopped it is too hot here to walk...I want to get better faster.

The worst was not being able to sleep all night, waking up with chest and back aches, I have found I sleep better when I do not push myself to the edge, I am trying hard to take it easy, it is like having a race car and not burning rubber!

I am grateful to all those who supported me in my prior existence as a scary cat, the doctor said I could not have made it another 6 months with a .4 opening he was not sure why I was even alive.

This board saved my life and each of you who took time to support me are a big part of me now.

That the 2 doctors in Orlando never mentioned addressing an anurisim, I cannot speak highly enough about Cleveland Clinic and the Boyd Team there.(thanks again Al)

God bless you all, I will try and pass my strength to those left back in the waiting room.

I have so much to do!

Keep smiling,

It's good to hear that you're doing so well. You sound as though you're making a strong recovery, so keep up the good work. Just don't over do it!:)
Thanks for the update and welcome home. Sounds ike you are doing well. Keep it up, but don't forget to pace yourself. Best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery.
It is so good to hear you are doing well and having to hold back the reins on that horse! Thanks for posting and letting us all know how things are going.
You sound great! Just don't do to much. Yep, after OHS, I had no desire to smoke either. That was over a year ago. Not an easy battle at all! Hope you stay on that uphill climb!
4 Weeks out

4 Weeks out

Thanks gang, I have lightened up a bit and am only working 1/2 days.

I need to rest in the afternoons, I think it is helping me heal better.

Walking on my treadmill, and NO DESIRE to ever smoke again, I am sure.

I am getting a little oozing from my incision, like a drop or two her and there, I think dragging the treadmill up the stairs was a bit much for week 3.

I am focused on letting my body do what it needs to do, and getting control of all this horse power will be much more valuable to me at the 3-6 month point, till then I am determined to invest in "healing time" and try to not do so much (even though I think I can)......

Keep smiling,


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