Yay, today is my 3 week post-op day!! I think I'm doing well. All of my vitals, etc. seem to be doing well. I had my appt with my surgeon just under 2 week post-op, and he said that he thinks I'm doing very well. I've had lots of bad days, just no energy and drained, felt bad, etc. but I've had quite a few good days also. They told me to expect that and not to even consider getting better on a daily basis, because I will have those good days and bad days for a while. They told me that I should be feeling some better on a weekly basis. I've found that to be very true. My incision seems to be healing very nicely, along with the two drain holes, they are all closed up and healing very well. Well, yesterday, I walked through the neighborhood with my hubby and daughter and son in law, and I walked probably a mile or maybe a little more. That's my longest walk yet. I did very well with that and didn't really get out of breath and there were a few hills to climb! I've been going out to eat right much and I've pretty much enjoyed that. I've been shopping in a few stores. I do tire out and have to nap. When I'm at home, I don't really do much. I have a visit with my cardiologist the end of this month and I'm supposed to be taking about a 3 1/2 hr trip the first of August. I'm currently on baby aspirin, multi vitamin, coumadin (temporarily) metropolil? sp?, digoxin, simvistatin. I think that's all - just running on my memory here! I quit taking loratab for pain over a week ago, but the last two nights, I took only 1 when I went to bed, hoping I would sleep a little better without waking up so much and waking up feeing so sore. Can't wait to be able to drive again! Hubby goes back to work this weekend, : ( It's been so great having him here to help take care of me!!! Hope you're all doing well!! Have a great weekend everyone!