3 months and 3 days after OHS

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Active member
Oct 2, 2009
Maineville, Oh USA
I feel better than I did a month ago, but still having issues that prevent me from saying I feel way better. I was noticing a lot of palpitations and loud thumping in my chest, preventing me from sleeping and still having a lot of sweating at night and waking up gasping for breath. I saw my cardiologist on Friday and they discovered my heart rate was at 120. I also have a pacemaker and when they interogated it, they found I have been having a lot of atrial flutter, atrial fib and supraventricular tachycardias and a couple episodes of ventricular tachy. I am unable to take beta blockers, I have extreme side effects from them. But my dr said I have to try to take something to get my heart rate down. My pacemaker is set at 70 at the low rate and 120 at the high rate so they didnt want to change anything there. So I said I would try a beta blocker again and he gave me Corgard. Three days into it and I cannot walk up stairs without severe shortness of breath and yesterday could not even make it around the grocery store and had to sit in one of the motorized carts. I was really trying to suck it up but my husband noticed immediately and said he noticed how tired I was and how slow the medicine made me.
I am going to try to give it 2 weeks to see if the side effects go away. In the past they havent but hopefully maybe this time.
Another issue is my neck pain. It is bad. My cardiologist explained the position I was in during my surgery and it made sense I still have pain but now it is effecting my shoulder and arm, to the point of not being able to lift my right arm over my head. I have a neck x ray order for this week. Last night I had the worst spasm in my shoulder blade and arm it really alarmed me.

Then my last piece of news, my pacemaker only has about 6 months worth of juice left in it. So I have to get a new one. I just wish I had requested them to replace it when I was already in the hospital in Oct. I really hate to have to be cut again.

On a positive note, I lost 16 lbs after surgery and have only regained 3 lbs back.
Sorry to hear about all those issues, you've had a rough recovery. Best wishes for feeling much better... SOON !!!
Wow, Maineville Oh, I am in West Chester, fairly close. Looks like we had our surgeries on almost the same day. Mine was 10/19 at Bnorth. Where was your and who was your surgeon? I had terrible pain as well, neck, back, shoulders, arms, but this went away after about a month.

I would not wait another minute. Call your cardio. Also consult with your GP. Sometimes cardios are so quick, a good GP can cross check what they are doing.

Hope this helps and good luck.

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