2nd opinion

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
I hope I am not driving you all crazy with all these posts but have no one else to talk to... really.Tomorrow I go in to see another cardiologist for a second opinion on this surgery. My cardiologist and my Primary Care Physician both think it is necessary because of the severe mitral valve regurgitation and the AFIB which he thinks was brought on by the valve problem. But he said he was in favor of a second opinion for any major surgery. So here I go tomorrow.
In the meantime I had an angiogram done last week and they found a blockage.I do not know any details. They said my cardiologist would call me.The cardiologist who did the angiogram said it could be fixed when I have the valve surgery. Now I am even more scared and anxious. Not only am I looking at valve surgery but also at a by-pass. More time in my chest, more time on the heart- lung machine,..more chances for things to go wrong. And I have such bad veins in my legs with varicous veins...:( :( I am older too (64)
If the second cardiologist I see tomorrow says I really need the surgery now.. I guess I do not have much choice.. If he says surgery is not needed at this time, I don't know what I will do. I guess it would be easier to make up my mind if I felt sick but I don't except for the anxiety and fear eating me up. I feel like being so scared is not even rational but I can' t seem to be able to help it. Sometimes I worry that when it is time for surgery ,I won't be able to make myself do it.
I know, I sound like a broken record.


I am no Dr., and I didn't need bypass surgery. However, before they knew I wouldn't need it, my surgeon (if I understood him correctly) was telling me that they can often get the vein they need from the chest. I had the feeling that bypass surgery wasn't necessarily as difficult these days as it has been in the past. Someone who KNOWS will be along shortly to say for sure, but I think things are more encouraging than you might believe.
A second opinion is always good. Have you had an opinion from a surgeon yet??- that is the really important opinion and you may want more than one. Having bypass while also having an AVR is not unusual and better to have it at the same time than to have to be operated on again at a later date.
Take a deep breath, gather a list of questions for the cardiologist and surgeon and NEVER worry about being a pest on this forum- that's what we are all here for!:)
Sending you our best wishes.
I agree with Dennis about the artery source. I wouldn't be too concerned about that.

The combinaton surgery is really quite common, and has only a very mariginal effect on the total risk. The surgeons are quite fast at doing CABG. And it's certainly better to take care of the blockage now than to leave it there.

It's a time bomb that you'd be totally unaware of, had it not been for the angiogram. You've been saved, not endangered. ;)

Best wishes,


I think I have said this before so forgive me if I am repeating myself. I did hours of research after I was told I needed mitral valve repair. I felt fine also, and worked a very difficult job and never missed a day for sick leave. The current thinking is to fix the valve before there is permanent heart damage. If you wait too long you may end up with heart failure. I agree with the above that it is not that difficult to do the bypass at the time of the valve repair. It was very common when I was in the hospital to meet people who had both and did very well.
Hope this helps and you will never drive us crazy with your questions. We have all been there or are still there.
I agree with the others and want to toss this thought in too. Since you feel good now this might be the best time to take care of your heart issues if cardios & surgeon agree. Best to plan a recovery while you're in good condition - before you get really sick & your heart sustains damage.

Just wanted to send hugs for tomorrow..........

Just wanted to send hugs for tomorrow..........

And don't worry about the opinion differing until you get it. If it does differ, then it may be time to consider a third...............course I am the queen of additional opinions. :D We actually sought out five for Katie before her second surgery, but she is a tad more complex in her anatomical makeup than most. Try not to worry too much tonight. Get some sleep and get back to us with your results. We will be here waiting. Many hugs. Janet
Good luck with the cardio today! Let us know what was said. Every time you ask questions and get answers, many of us learn things we would never have known, so PLEASE keep asking the questions....we all help each other here. You have helped me with some of your questions! :D

I also think that the opinion of a surgeon would be very valuable. Many here have said that it is best to have the time to shop around for the best surgeon, than to be in an emergency situation and not have any say over the matter.

I think that optimism, faith and stoicism tend to make these huge events more manageable and possibly more successful. Perhaps you could use some professional help relaxing about it all. Keep that in mind as you converse with your doctors.

Keep posting! We're here!
