Chloe has had 3 OHS now and the scar is just as neat and silvery as it was after the first one (there was 18 months in between them). If anything it's better.
Love Emma
I think it depends on what kind of scarrer (is that a word lol) you are, Justin had a keloid scar and had it revised w/ his last surgery and looked great (still in the pics on his page) but already parts of it are getting keliod looking, Lyn
One less thing to worry about, iam really pleased to hear that. It is kind of weird thow, i was expecting it to be far worse 2nd time around.I have been meaning to ask for awhile, im so glad i did now .Thanks
Paula, I was just curious, sorry if I'm nosy ), why he has to have a mechanical valve? I know they last longer, but did they say that it would need replaced when he grows? he is 7 right? I know how it feels w/ all this coming up, Justin has an appt in Oct and I'm already worrying about bad news, Lyn