Ann L
Hi All,
I hope someone can shed light on why the difference in diagnosis' and test results. Like Harry said on his thread, "Let the games begin." That's kindda how I feel right now!
I first wrote a couple of weeks ago about my 1st cardiologist's diagnosis in 1999 of moderate AVR, moderate MVR & mild TVR. But in 2004 & 2005, the echos showed improvements to mod. AVR, mild MVR, trace TVR yet symptoms recently got worse. He also said I needed yearly checkups and would eventually have the aortic valve replaced although it wasn't progressing as fast as most others. I took the advice and saw a new cardiologist who was highly recommended. This week I had a nuclear stress test, EKG and echo. My heart rate got to 127 before they stopped me on the stress test (tech wanted it to 145) due to SOB and chest tightness.
The next day I saw the cardiologist for a review of the tests. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "There's nothing wrong with your heart." Silence. My husband's jaw about hit the ground. I grinned thinking he was kidding. Silence. I asked about the symptoms and his response was, "I don't know but it's not your heart, except maybe for the mild to moderate AVR."
AVR is nothing? He also can't explain the 15 lb. edema gains, the fatigue, SOB on slight exertion, lightheadedness, or thumping heart beats when at rest. He went on to say that there is nothing wrong with my arteries or electrical system, that my mitral valve is just fine and the triscupid is only trivially regurg.. Furthermore, I don't need to come back for 3-5 years and will probably never need surgery.
Before leaving his office, I asked for copies of everything. The M.D. who read the nuclear test said that because I didn't reach 145 HR, the results were "non-conclusive". Am I to assume that the doctor still felt the results were enough to give me this wonderful diagnosis?
I don't know whether to feel angry that I was possibly misdiagnosed back in 1999, jump up & down for joy, or write it all off to asthma and possibly stress (which I feel is average)? I do know that my husband and I are quite frustrated as he sees evidence of my symptoms.
I may have to learn to live with it. I don't know how other's feel about this, but the recent increase in symptoms started the day after having a Reiki attunement. I could look at it this way... by the next time I go back to a cardiologist, heck, my aortic valve regurgitation may be gone too!
Ewww, thanks for letting me vent. Please feel free to tell me how you would interpret this situation if it were you.
I hope someone can shed light on why the difference in diagnosis' and test results. Like Harry said on his thread, "Let the games begin." That's kindda how I feel right now!
I first wrote a couple of weeks ago about my 1st cardiologist's diagnosis in 1999 of moderate AVR, moderate MVR & mild TVR. But in 2004 & 2005, the echos showed improvements to mod. AVR, mild MVR, trace TVR yet symptoms recently got worse. He also said I needed yearly checkups and would eventually have the aortic valve replaced although it wasn't progressing as fast as most others. I took the advice and saw a new cardiologist who was highly recommended. This week I had a nuclear stress test, EKG and echo. My heart rate got to 127 before they stopped me on the stress test (tech wanted it to 145) due to SOB and chest tightness.
The next day I saw the cardiologist for a review of the tests. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "There's nothing wrong with your heart." Silence. My husband's jaw about hit the ground. I grinned thinking he was kidding. Silence. I asked about the symptoms and his response was, "I don't know but it's not your heart, except maybe for the mild to moderate AVR."
AVR is nothing? He also can't explain the 15 lb. edema gains, the fatigue, SOB on slight exertion, lightheadedness, or thumping heart beats when at rest. He went on to say that there is nothing wrong with my arteries or electrical system, that my mitral valve is just fine and the triscupid is only trivially regurg.. Furthermore, I don't need to come back for 3-5 years and will probably never need surgery.
Before leaving his office, I asked for copies of everything. The M.D. who read the nuclear test said that because I didn't reach 145 HR, the results were "non-conclusive". Am I to assume that the doctor still felt the results were enough to give me this wonderful diagnosis?
I don't know whether to feel angry that I was possibly misdiagnosed back in 1999, jump up & down for joy, or write it all off to asthma and possibly stress (which I feel is average)? I do know that my husband and I are quite frustrated as he sees evidence of my symptoms.
I may have to learn to live with it. I don't know how other's feel about this, but the recent increase in symptoms started the day after having a Reiki attunement. I could look at it this way... by the next time I go back to a cardiologist, heck, my aortic valve regurgitation may be gone too!
Ewww, thanks for letting me vent. Please feel free to tell me how you would interpret this situation if it were you.