24 hours before surgery any advice

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Make sure you have the stuff you need at home now for recovery.
Comfort items
A wedge to help you lay up when on couch, a sh!t load of pillows
I have a recliner but still needed a back support. Heat pads help also for back pain.
TV trays to sit next to chairs
somewhere on this forum is a list of items, not sure where it is.

I took some benedryl to help relax with recovery, my doctors are stingy with the pain meds.
The benedryl will help you sleep at night as well, I take 2. I got docs clearance before taking any meds.

Do you have anyone to help you when your released, you will need help at the beginning.

JJ, what your going thru is normal and difficult, the wait about drove me nuts.
The morning I went in I had my entire family around my bed while waiting for them to wheel me in to surgery, I was cool until my grand daughter wrote on a dry erase board
that she loved me. My emotions seem to go into over drive at that point. Was glad when they finally knocked me out.

Wow! Coming up very soon for you. I had AVR almost 2 weeks ago on the Nov, 7th.

Just relax and be ready for a long-ish recovery. Mine is going fast but I know it will be several weeks and even months before I'm back running and cycling the way I was pre-op.

What type of surgery?
I'm sure you've already taken care of the things that need to be taken care of, if not, they can wait. Unfortunately, the period before surgery is the most stressful for a lot of us. However, I did notice a sense of calm that came over me the night before surgery, others have reported feeling the same. I hope this will be the case for you. Enjoy the ones you are with in this period, have a nice, but light meal. Remember that this surgery is very routine now and has an extremely high success rate. Before you know it, you'll be out of surgery and on your way to healing.

Don't sweat it. Let yourself go into the hands of your trusted surgeon and his/her anaesthesiologist. When you wake up you might feel like you got hit by a truck for a minute or two until the pain killers kick in. I found that to be the worst part of the entire surgery. I found comfort in ice chips the first few days. If you are looking to lose weight, no time like now to do it; and the best part is you don't even have to work hard at it :)