Today it's 24 days since i had the operation and I'd like to have your opinions of the physical activities I now can safely do. I know this topic surfaces once in a while but I'm still a bit confused of all the information I'm getting.
Here is a list of tasks I have been doing so far:
- using dish washer (filling and emptying)
- walking
- lifting and carrying objects that are not heavier than 2 1/2 pounds
- cooking
I'm not using pain medication any more so I'm hoping that I'll feel pain if I try to do something that I'm not supposed to do yet and it prevents me from harming the healing sternum.
Today it's 24 days since i had the operation and I'd like to have your opinions of the physical activities I now can safely do. I know this topic surfaces once in a while but I'm still a bit confused of all the information I'm getting.
Here is a list of tasks I have been doing so far:
- using dish washer (filling and emptying)
- walking
- lifting and carrying objects that are not heavier than 2 1/2 pounds
- cooking
I'm not using pain medication any more so I'm hoping that I'll feel pain if I try to do something that I'm not supposed to do yet and it prevents me from harming the healing sternum.