2004 & 2005 Road Trip recap...w/PICTURES

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With many many thanks to my buddy Ray B, pictures of my road trips are ready for you to see! If you click on each picture, you'll see a more-detailed caption.

October 2004 (west via MO, KS, CO, WY, UT, NM, OK, TX, AR) pics are here:

August 2005 (east via TN, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA, PA, NJ, MD, WV, OH, MI, IN) pics are here:

Shortened (believe it or not) recap of these 2 trips:
Life is short, so, on both trips, I made the most of my time by meeting/catching up with people. I missed seeing "too many" people for various reasons, but those "misses" allowed me more time to spend with those I did see, more time to relax/sleep, & time to take scenic routes.

Met in person for the first time...
Dave in Kansas (tripleplate/CarNuts.us)
Kate in Kansas (xf)
Dan in Kansas (xf)
Saul in Kansas (elky)
Jake, Mel & Chance in Kansas (mcml)
several vr.comers in Colorado
Dave & Janet in Colorado (1st gen MC)
Dave & Mickey in Colorado (1st gen MC)
Clint in Colorado (mcss)
Gayle in Utah (Ray's wife)
Crazy Bill in New Mexico (mcml)
Vince in New Mexico (1st gen MC)
Travis in Oklahoma (former mcml)
Brian in Texas (tripleplate)
Kelly in Texas (elky/chevytalk)
Ryan in Texas (chevytalk)
Will in Texas (chevytalk)
Janet in Texas (vr/chd)
Suzy in Texas (chd/acha)
Niki in Texas (vr/acha)
Jim in central Illinois (mcml/mcss)
* Joel L (Memphis TN; mcml, mcss)
* Paula (Memphis TN; acha)
* Brandon (Birmingham AL; mcml, mcss) ... finally met my "little sister" (Brandon's fiance, whose last name is the same as mine ... don't know of any relation, however)
* Danny (Atlanta GA; vr)
* Tim (Atlanta GA; ct)
* Bubba (Atlanta GA; r1)
* Brian (Atlanta GA; cn)
* Bryan (Charlotte NC; r1)
* Alayah (Pittsburgh PA; xf)
* S*S (Pittsburgh PA; xf)
* escmylife (Pittsburgh PA; xf)
* Anthony (Johnstown/Somerset PA; acha)
* Karl (Baltimore MD; ecml)
* Pat (Smithville OH; ct)
* Ross (Canton OH; vr)
* Rick (Detroit MI; mcss)
* Kurt (Detroit MI; nmcoa/2nd Gen MC)
* Matt T (Detroit MI; nmcoa/2nd Gen MC)
* Josh (Detroit MI; c&g)
* Tom/LT (Sidney IN; r1)

Also visited with some "old friends" along the way...
Steve in Missouri (mcss)
Ray in Utah (elky)
several vr.comers in Colorado for the ValveReplacement.com Reunion
Michael in Texas (former mcml)
Tommy in Texas (2nd gen MC)
Janet in Texas (vr)
* Jay & family (Central IL; 2nd Gen MC/nmcoa)
* Richard O (Jackson TN; mcml/fgmc)
* Bryants (Jackson TN; college friends)
* Mike (Nashville TN; fgmc)
* Stephen V (Nashville/Antioch TN; mcml/mcss) ... got to see his car shop!
* Sheri (Nashville TN; 2000mc)
* Kevin W (Anderson SC; fgmc founder)
* Jay O (Charlotte NC; mcml/mcss) ... his '87 MCSS with 6-speed & cupholder! is still waiting attention...
* Replogles & Floras (Bridgewater VA; friends from IL now in VA)
* Rob P (Pittsburgh PA; fgmc/nmcoa)
* John H (Pittsburgh PA; nmcoa/fgmc)
* bunch of family members (reunion, Johnstown PA area)
* Kevin/Crusher (Neptune NJ; mcss/mcml)
* Dan G (Neptune NJ; mcss/mcml)
* Dan M (Neptune NJ; mcss/mcml)
* Steve R (Neptune NJ; mcss/mcml)
* Randy M (Neptune NJ; mcml)
* Aunt Alice/cousin Charlotte (Alexandria VA)
* Allisons (Smithville OH; college friends)
* Rose (Detroit MI; MI MCs/mcml)
* Pete & Donna (Detroit MI; fgmc)
* Leo, Sue & Mike (Detroit MI; fgmc/nmcoa)
* Tim (Detroit MI; fgmc)
* Paul (Detroit MI; mcml)
* Mike B (Detroit MI; nmcoa)
* George (Detroit MI; fgmc)
* Jeff H (near Fort Wayne IN; 2nd Gen MC/nmcoa)
* Allen K (Warsaw IN; college friend)
* Amy & Tim (Warsaw IN; college friends)
* Tammy (Warsaw IN; college friend)

I ate with friends at some great restaurants along the way...
* O'Charley's (Sat, Aug 6, lunch, Memphis TN) ... their bread is so good!
* Snappy's (Sat, Aug 6, dinner, Jackson TN) ... where you can have pizza & desert together!
* Mo's Pizza (Wed, Aug 10, lunch, Atlanta GA)
* A&W/KFC (Thu, Aug 11, lunch, Charlotte NC) ... rootbeer FLOAT!
* Eat'n'Park (Sat, Aug 13, breakfast, Pittsburgh PA) ... shouldn't this be called Park'n'Eat?
* Beacon Street Grill (Sun, Aug 14, dinner, Neptune NJ)
* The Barn (Tue, Aug 16, dinner, Smithville OH)
* National Coney Island (Thu, Aug 18, lunch, Warren MI) ... right across from the GM Tech Center

I discovered...
Missouri & Kansas are not _that_ boring to drive through....
Colorado is absolutely gorgeous
Wyoming has beautiful formations
Utah has breathtaking views...even in rain with a rainbow for good measure
New Mexico does have rust-free cars
The guy who does the "voice work" for Rockford's 104.9, "The X" (rock) also does "voice work" for New Mexico's 105.1, "The Range" (Classic Country).
Oklahoma does have character
Texas drivers take the speed limits as suggested limits
Hawaii does have license plates (saw one on a Ford Explorer in Texas)
Arkansas does not take that long to drive through....
I'd rather be driving than working....
...you never have enough time to visit with family & friends....
...strangers are friends you have yet to meet....
...sweet tea CAN be made incorrectly (had some bitter sweet tea in Memphis TN).
...it really IS "Sweet Home Alabama" (should've bought some souveniers or something).
...being from IL & driving a rental car (gray Buick Century) that features Georgia plates in Atlanta GA is not necessarily a good thing.
...the Carolinas are hot'n'muggy.
...I-81 in VA is not as long as it seems....
...driving the PA Turnpike is less costly these days than actually filling up the car with gas to drive.
...I really would like to have a 1975 Chevrolet Caprice Classic convertible someday.... In 2004, I saw a white one for sale in TX; In 2005, I saw a red one at the Wexford PA car show....
...society/people seem to be centered/fixated on couples, have a knack for asking the same nerve-wracking questions, & not following through with plans....
...Philly PA/NJ area has way too much traffic...even on Sunday.
...the Washington DC/Baltimore MD/Philadelphia PA corridor has too many baseball teams ;).
...driving the "long way" (i.e. avoiding the PA Turnpike) from Alexandria VA to near Canton OH isn't that long of a drive & is quite scenic, especially through MD & the short distance in WV!
...I-90 & SR 2 are beautiful right along the lake in Ohio.
...the cruises before the official Friday/Saturday Woodward Dream Cruise feature just about as many cool cars!
...watching old reruns of shows (The Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas, etc.) can be fun & relaxing.
...the longest drive is the one that leads you home.

Misc notes...
Spotted a 1979 Buick LeSabre "Palm Beach" edition for sale in Utah...even had factory honey maple wood treatment on the dash & door panels
Spotted a 1975 Chevrolet Caprice Classic convertible for sale in Texas...I've always wanted one of these....

Spotted some cool cars at friends' homes...including:
41 Packard (Big Sandy TN)
86 Pontiac 2+2 (Pontiac's version of the MCSS Aerocoupe)
90s Lincoln Town Car Limosine (Nashville TN)
68 Impala
72 Charger
69 Caddy Wagon DeVille
41 Pontiac
78 Buick Park Avenue
70 Monte Carlo (Kevin took me for a ride in this!)
59 Caddy Coupe DeVille
72 Monte Carlo (being converted to a Coke Machine replica ... Allison's #12 NASCAR)
74 Caddy Fleetwood Talisman
91 Caddy Alante
83 Chevy Silverado (lowered)
53 Ford Tractor...Golden Jubilee Edition (Anderson SC)
75 Monte Carlo ... gorgeous orangish ... has been to quite a few NMCOA MC Nationals
57 Ford Thunderbird
39 Ford Coupe
40 Ford Coupe
34 Ford 2-door Sedan
a bunch of gasoline, Ford, and misc automotive collectibles (near Fort Wayne IN)

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MCinfo.hobbies.RTs.pics.CHD = www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"The life I love is making music with my friends" ... Willie Nelson ... 'On The Road Again'


*Hi...... more interesting stuff !! Just wondered about the comment '' being from IL driving a rental car (grey Buick Century) that features Georgia plates in Atlanta GA is not necessarily a good thing''. I suspect you had some bother or hassle of some description!!! Just wondered if youd like to elaborate!! If not thats fine too....8) Jacqui.

Actually, the problem was people in GA seemed to assume I knew where I was going since my rental had GA plates on it.... I got some looks that said, "You live here and you don't know where the heck you're going??!?!?!"

He he he.
Enjoyed your posts Cort and the pictures on both threads of your travels. Thanks for sharing. You really have met a lot of nice and cool people, huh.
knightfan2691 said:

Actually, the problem was people in GA seemed to assume I knew where I was going since my rental had GA plates on it.... I got some looks that said, "You live here and you don't know where the heck you're going??!?!?!"

He he he.


If I remember right, we all got hit with a bad Thunderstorm that day. And don't take it personal, Atlanta folks look at ALL drivers that way, it don't matter what tag you have. Driving in and around Atlanta on a sunny day ain't no fun, mix in bad weather and you have the beginning of a nightmare. I think they could make a movie about driving in Atlanta that would rival the best horror flicks ever made.

I'm looking forward to your next trip thru. Maybe you can make the Orlando Reunion. You could bring one of them MCs to show off.

May God Bless,

Wise said:
Enjoyed your posts Cort and the pictures on both threads of your travels. Thanks for sharing. You really have met a lot of nice and cool people, huh.

Yes, yes indeed, I have. I don't believe I've had a bad experience meeting people yet.... Glad you enjoyed both threads, Wise :).

gadgetman said:
If I remember right, we all got hit with a bad Thunderstorm that day.

Yep, we sure did.

gadgetman said:
And don't take it personal, Atlanta folks look at ALL drivers that way, it don't matter what tag you have. Driving in and around Atlanta on a sunny day ain't no fun, mix in bad weather and you have the beginning of a nightmare. I think they could make a movie about driving in Atlanta that would rival the best horror flicks ever made.


And this is why I HATE traffic ;).

gadgetman said:
I'm looking forward to your next trip thru. Maybe you can make the Orlando Reunion. You could bring one of them MCs to show off.


Ya never know ... I just might ;).
Road Trips, Road Trips, Road Trips,

Road Trips, Road Trips, Road Trips,

Hi Cort

What a way to spend a vacation, doing what you like with like-minded people !!!!

Most of our USA Road Trips have been on the Harley and we have always had a fantastic time, usually doing 5000 to 6000 miles in about 4 weeks, but you are limited on what you can carry, " If it don't fit in the T-Bag, It don't go'' that the down side

But the plus side is, " The wind in your face'' the friendliness of other bikers when you stop, the folk who will always tell you of a good route, and riding those wonderful roads like Route 66, Highway 50, to name a few.

On our first major road trip in 1993 we met a guy in Pitsburgh PA in a motel care park who has become one of our best friends, he will think nothing of riding 1000 miles to meet up eith us when we are in the USA and has done this on several occasions.

On our last trip we hired a Convertible Ford Mustang and it was wonderful "The wind in your face'' but lots of room in the trunk LOL,
It was a dream,
But hey Cort you're Road Tripper you now what I mean.

Take care my friend have a great Christmas,


Jan and Bill

PS One day I am going to get all my road pictures on line and bore you all !!!
Jan said:
It was a dream,
But hey Cort you're Road Tripper you now what I mean.


Indeedy I do :)!

Jan said:
Take care my friend have a great Christmas,


Right back at you, Jan and Bill :). Can you believe it has been 2 years since the reunion in CO?

Jan said:
PS One day I am going to get all my road pictures on line and bore you all !!!

I guarantee you won't bore me :).