2 surgerys

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Hi everyone, I am fairly new to this computer, so I know I have asked this question before , however , ugh , I cannot find where. So anyway I am wondering if anyone here has had 2 open heart surgeries. This will be my second one and I am a wreck. I guess I just need to know someone out there has had 2 and they are ok. I am just scared right now. thank you. Lynne
My husband has had three. There are others here who have had two, three, four and maybe even five. There are even some others who've had special procedures like the Maze procedure and other more exotic things.

You've got lots of company.
I've had two now. I was just as scared as you are now. I'm still here, though many think I lost all my marbles this last time (and they're probably right).
have had three so far

have had three so far

Hello Jenny, I've had three MVRs(replacements) , all with tissue valvesso far, and there's a fourth one on its way although it's not necessary just yet. You can read more about my surgeries and me on the heart stories page and I've also posted a lot on other threads explaining what happened. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know and I'll be very happy to be of help! Take care !

Débora from Brazil
Hello Jenny,

I've had Bypass Surgery and Aortic Valve Replacement surgery and am doing pretty well, especially now that my A-Fib seems to be under better control.

I asked you what your doctors were doing to treat your A-Fib following a previous post from you but I don't recall which Forum it was in.

You should be able to find it by clicking on your screen name, and then click on 'find all posts'. My querry was right after your post.

second surgery

second surgery

I am having a Maze surgery and a valve replacement on August 18, This will be my second open heart surgery in 8 years. I am just a wreck of it all.My stomach is just feeling so sick. I really think this is it and I guess that is why I am so scared. Thank you so my for your replys I so so appreciate them. Jenny

You have a 'plumbing problem'.

The Doctors CAN fix it.

They need YOU to have a Positive Mental Attitude
to facilitate your recovery.


This is your chance to return to an active
and fulfilling life.

Please accept this opportunity to turn your life
around for the better.

It is NOT the end of the world. I hope you will get whatever help you need to face this head-on with hope and confidence.

Aww thank you Alll I appreciate your words of comfort and advise. I am just a wimp , I guess, I truly am very afraid the second time around...The first one OH in 97 I did not have a computer , so this has helped me a great deal , thank you all so much...:) Jen

Just one more thought...if you wern't at least a little scared you wouldn't be normal. I don't think it matters if it's your first OHS or your 5th, it's normal to worry about one's own mortality. Just have faith in your surgeon, your God (if you have one), and remember you can always find words of encouragement here at VR.com. :)
I've written to someone who has just been through her 7th OHS!!! Believe me, you might think by this stage it would all seem a bit passe to her, but she was still every bit as scared and nervous before this op as she was all the others.

I unfortunately haven't heard from her since before she went in, but I'm hoping that's just the combination of her taking it easy recovering and me having had limited access to my computer over the last couple of weeks.

Anyway, you're definitely in the right place here. Just remember that every day medical procedures are getting better and better and recoveries are getting shorter and shorter (..although your body still needs adequate time to recover, pain management and rehabilitation certainly help..).

All the best,
Anna : )
Seven surgeries!?

Seven surgeries!?

Hi Anna, I've just read your post and was really surprised at what you wrote! I'll be having my fourth MVR(replacement) eventually and would like to know more details about this person you mentioned. You know, the usual stuff heart patients are always wanting to know. By the way, I hope you hear something from he or she soon and that the news turns out to be good. Take care!

I've seen it!

I've seen it!

Sorry, I've just seen it's a she. No need to answer that anymore.
Thank you all so much, you are all so wonderful and helpful to me. This site is saving my sanity. Thank you once again, and hopefully one day I will meet all of you............:) Jenny
Hi Jenny,

You've got lots of friends here, walking through with you. Most of us have gone through OHS, not few more than once. If you read peoples signatures you will find quite a few.

I can't tell you how it is to do it for the second time. On one hand you know how icky the begining of recovery is but on the other hand you know much more about it.

Have you any positive memories and experiences from the previous round? did you feel victory every time you made a step ahead? did you feel physicaly better after recovery? did your family and friends pamper and spoil you for a few weeks before and after surgery?

Well, I am sure if you think about it, you can pick out some positive experiences you could be looking forward to. Not a good enough reason to go for OHS for the second time, but if you need to go anyway, look for the bright side.

And this time around you have many more friends waiting for you on the other side. We usualy hide in the ICU and make a big BOOH when you wake up....

Sorry, OHS second time is a serious issue, I got carried away.

You're afraid because you're conscious. I purposely had a tissue valve put in, knowing I'll need surgery again in ?? years. And I'm entirely unrepentent about it. And the surgery went really well for me. But I do expect to be scared spitless again when the time rolls around. It's just natural to be afraid of it.

The statistics say that a second valve replacement is 25% safer than the first. That may (and should) give you some comfort.

However, we all know that a smaller chance is still a chance. And that's where our heads all go when we're left alone and unguided too long. The only thing I can suggest, other than making the preparations for your homecoming, is to keep yourself busy with other things. Divert your own attention, just as you would do with a cranky toddler. You'll find that we're surprisingly distractable, even as adults. If you can, take a short vacation, or take day trips to places you enjoy. Eat in a restaurant you love.

Waiting is the worst part. That has so often been said here, and I believe it to be true. The good part is that once you get to the hospital, it all just seems to whiz by. One minute, you're being rolled somewhere, the next, you're waking up with a tube in your throat thinking, "I made it! I'm alive! This is so cool! What's this thing in my throat?"

I can't blame you at all for being worried and upset, but try to look at it this way: if your worst fears were to come true, is this how you would have wanted to spend this time?

Dry your tears, Jenny, and untie that knot in your stomach. Your life is largely lemons right now, so you need to add some sugar (we'll help) and make some lemonade. I know you can get through this. You've done it before. In two weeks, you'll be online telling us all that you feel great.

Very best wishes,
deboraginastewart said:
I'll be having my fourth MVR(replacement) eventually and would like to know more details about this person you mentioned.
I wrote her an email yesterday after I logged off here, but haven't heard back from her yet, but then there's always that time difference thing!

She's a blast! Her surgeries certainly haven't dampened her spirit or sense of humour - especially considering she is only in her very early 30's. I'll let you know if I hear anything from her.

Anna : )
Hi Jenny.....I am 4 weeks post op from my AVR and I am living proof that one's state of mind is critical in the healing process. Becasue of this website, I went into the operation knowing what was going to happen to me and what questions and opinions to have when dealing with the surgeon. Because of VR.com, I concluded that a tissue valve was best FOR ME!. It was a great feeling to tell the surgeon the night before the operation what I wanted and why I wanted it. Because I had the benefit of knowing what I was going to face before, during and after the hospital stay, I am convinced that I have healed better than I could have hoped for. As so many people have commented already, the state of mind that you go into this operation with plays a big part in how things go after it is over.

Stay strong, stay focused, let your support group support and you will do great!

Ft. Lauderdale
AVR 7/14/04
I just got an email from my friend. She seems to be doing OK, but has been needing lots of rest and time to heal. After 7 surgeries, I think she deserves it!

A : )
Glad to hear that!

Glad to hear that!

Hi Anna. No wonder! after having been through seven surgeies she's sure to need plenty of rest! Do you think she would like to join VR and tell us all of her experience? I don't think there has ever been one person on this site who has had so may heart operations! Anyway, tell her I wish her a very speedy recovery and hope she won't need any more surgeries in the future. She's a real winner!

The other thing, Jenny...

To find posts you've made previously and look at the threads, just look at one of your current posts, find your name at the upper left of your post (in big letters), and click on it once with your mouse. One of the choices on the drop-down menu that shows up is to get a list of all the posts you have made. You can do that with other people, too.

Or click on search, then advanced search in that drop-down. You can search for posts containing words you think are relevant or those from a particular member, if you choose.

Best wishes.

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