2 more months until I have teeth

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well went for my final impressions yesterday and had them done. Took 2 hours! I talked with the Prosthodontist that will be building my new choppers and he made darn sure that the resident took the best possible impressions possible. This man is sparing me another surgery, so they have to be right.

From here on out, the appointments will be about 2 weeks apart. My next is July 8th at which time, I'll have some wax dentures in which to see how my jaws line up and such. Before, I had a terrible overbite and hoping this can be corrected to a degree. He assures me it can and will be. Told me to bring a picture in of my smile. I told him that ain't gonna happen. My teeth were yellow before and I avoided smiling whenever possible. Anyhow, I'm supposed to give some thought as to how I want to look and how white I want the teeth to be. He asked me if I wanted to look like a beaver or something else. I told him Martian, but he said the closest he could get there were the impressions. (Green).

I'm seriously contemplating these. What do you all think?

Those are lovely!!! I think you should go for the Lou Dobbs look....now those are some white teeth.
I'm sure it will be nice to be able to bite into a steak again.
Oh yeah, something I forgot to say that will please most all of you. He also told me that I won't be able to stick my tongue out any further then to lick my lips or I'd be projecting the lower plate out of my mouth. That is the one draw back to not having the Tori's removed. I think I can live with that if it spares me from another surgery! Going to have to watch myself around the women now huh Tbone?
You are going to feel so great Ross. Can't wait to see pics when everything is said and done... I'm so happy for you.
Oh yeah, something I forgot to say that will please most all of you. He also told me that I won't be able to stick my tongue out any further then to lick my lips or I'd be projecting the lower plate out of my mouth. That is the one draw back to not having the Tori's removed. I think I can live with that if it spares me from another surgery! Going to have to watch myself around the women now huh Tbone?

I'm not going to say what I'm thinking, but you know what I'm thinking.:rolleyes:
Happy to hear that new teeth are on the way. BTW - colorwise - your teeth should be a similar color to the whites of your eyes. If yours are bloodshot - you are sc****d. :D;):D
Oh yeah, something I forgot to say that will please most all of you. He also told me that I won't be able to stick my tongue out any further then to lick my lips or I'd be projecting the lower plate out of my mouth. That is the one draw back to not having the Tori's removed. I think I can live with that if it spares me from another surgery! Going to have to watch myself around the women now huh Tbone?

Yes I'll probably go out to eat with you & get left walking home while you and the waitress................ Maybe I'll just eat alone. :(
Just think of the cleaning of stainless steel though... and the finger prints lol. But I bet you could chew a whole lot of steak with those chompers.
I dunno - the guy in your first post can bite through anything, but his tongue is reduced to ribbons. One little slip makes for a lot of angst.

But this last guy has some pretty nice looking choppers. Bet they make some noise when he's really digging into something, but they look pretty good, all told...

Best wishes,
I don't know Bina, with those sharp fangs Ross might hurt someone!:D

Okay Ross you'll have to post the after pictures when you get you're choppers!!

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