Active member
Hello everyone,
Well I have been home a week now and so far everything seems to be coming along fine. Sleeping is still somewhat of an issue but gets better every day.
Not real sure what to be expecting as far as what should and should not hurt.
Nothing is really bad but I do get sore high on my right side of my chest occasionally.
Kinda feels like the lungs but I am not having any problems breathing and I am still using the spirometer all the time. Like I said though, it is nothing real bad. Tends to go away as I move around.
It is so hard to stop yourself from doing things that are so instinctual. I am always wanting to reach way out for things or wanting to bend over to pick things up that I shouldn't be. I actually went to pick up some dumb thing off the floor the other day and hit my sternum right on the corner of the counter!
Man, that hurt. I have been fortunate enough to have my wife here with me this week to help me out and keep me in line. I have to remember that even though I am going to feel better, I have to allow time for healing and general rest.
I feel pretty good otherwise. I wake up and am able to breathe comfortably right away now and don't gasp for air for the first 30 minutes. Trying to get outside for my walks but it has been kind of cold (for Texas) and so been doing lots of laps though the house. My dog thinks I'm nuts
Well ya'll have a great day and I will check in later.
Well I have been home a week now and so far everything seems to be coming along fine. Sleeping is still somewhat of an issue but gets better every day.
Not real sure what to be expecting as far as what should and should not hurt.
Nothing is really bad but I do get sore high on my right side of my chest occasionally.
Kinda feels like the lungs but I am not having any problems breathing and I am still using the spirometer all the time. Like I said though, it is nothing real bad. Tends to go away as I move around.
It is so hard to stop yourself from doing things that are so instinctual. I am always wanting to reach way out for things or wanting to bend over to pick things up that I shouldn't be. I actually went to pick up some dumb thing off the floor the other day and hit my sternum right on the corner of the counter!
Man, that hurt. I have been fortunate enough to have my wife here with me this week to help me out and keep me in line. I have to remember that even though I am going to feel better, I have to allow time for healing and general rest.
I feel pretty good otherwise. I wake up and am able to breathe comfortably right away now and don't gasp for air for the first 30 minutes. Trying to get outside for my walks but it has been kind of cold (for Texas) and so been doing lots of laps though the house. My dog thinks I'm nuts
Well ya'll have a great day and I will check in later.