1st Warfarin restriction

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Well it was bound to happen. I have come up against the first thing I've had to stop Chloe doing cos of her warfarin.
I've never had to stop her doing anything before and shes been on it for almost 5 years now so I suppose thats not too bad. Still feel really 'bleugh' (for lack of a better word) about it and Clo's really upset about it to make me feel even worse.
She's been invited to her friends party, but its a party at a gym, involving trampolining, bouncing in a ball and sponge pit, gymnastics etc etc and its quite high risk for Chloe bumping or causing herself a bleed.
So I feel horrible for saying no but that one's just too risky. Shes done other parties - wacky warehouse ones and all those indoor play ones so although I know we were bound to find something she couldnt do and others are sooo much worse off than her, limits wise, I still feel like c*** tonight now... brings it all back to me (and her!) that shes just that bit different from her friends.

Will attempt to stop feeling sorry for myself now and go cook dinner,

Thanks for listening to my whine, if you got this far

Love Emma
Emma's I'm sorry you are going thru this now. I know how awful I've felt when I've had to tell Justin he couldn't do something because of his CHD, and when he got old enough to realize, something w/ him were different than his firends, it stinks,If you weren't a pond away I'd offer a hug, Lyn


Have you talked about this party to Chloe?..She is a very smart little girl and I'm sure if you told her....you can go and enjoy the company, food, cake? ice cream, ect..but not participate in the jumping, ect..I'm sure she would understand....:) Kids love parties..Just being there..bet, she would enjoy it.:D Many kids have broken arms in a cast and invited to a swimming party..:p but, they still want to go..:D I'm sure you would be going with her..:) I think that age children, even healthy, should NOT be having a Birthday party with all those dangerous things. I'm willing to bet that the owner of the facility will make all parents sign a release form. I have to, everytime I take my age 13 year old to a skate park..I hate it, but have to let him grow up and pray that he does NOT get hurt.Yes, he comes down a ramp into a sponge pit.:eek: and I hate to watch..for other kids may be right behind him. Takes a long time to get out...Let her go..I'm sure she will understand. Bonnie
I say put a crash helmet on the kid and let her go have fun. I'm just afraid that denying her this will only make her do things like it behind your back.
Does Chloe really have to be restricted from the entire proceeding? I don't mean to second-guess your decision, really I don't :D . I have issues with trampolines for any kids, coumadin or no. It seems like you could hold her out of the serious potentially head-trauma sources, and she would be fine with the ball pits, tumbling, etc, even a little bit of "bumping". What's a bruise or two to a kid?

Best of luck
Thankyou all very much for all the advice and support!! I really do appreciate it. I spoke to the mum of the little girl who's having the party today and she was saying how it is very well supervised and is quite gentle as she even has some toddlers going to the party too so it has to be. Also, they are only spending one hour in the gym bit and then one hour eating, playing party games etc. So a very excited Chloe is now able to go.

I don't think she would have minded were it any other child's party but this is her best friend so she really wanted to go, so YAY!

Thanks again
I was just going to add my 2 cents, but I just read your last post so I don't have to! lol I hope Chloe has a great time (and I am sure she will)!!
She will get over it.

She will get over it.

Speaking not as a parent, but as a child who had many restrictions in his life, she will get over it. Tell her why and tell her you do it because her health is the most important thinging your life. She will always remember that when she is older. Being a mom is not for sissy- my heart goes out to you!:)
On Ya EMMA ! :D ...

I was at a loss as to what to offer other than a cyber-hug :rolleyes: ....

am really glad you had a chat with the other mom and you are now Chloe can enjoy her friends' party.

I reckon lil Chloe will know herself if anything looks a bit too scary/dangerous for her...

I panic now everytime these boys of mine wrestle and they arent even on any restrictions from their Cardio., and you can imagine how rough a 10 yr old boy can be when fighting his 15 yr old big brother,,he does not hold back...

Have a great time at the Birthday Party Chloe!
Well, Chloe is at this party that I agonised over now and was soooooo excited. It looks excellent, all foam and balls and roly poly doing! lol Chloe has been promising all day that she will be very careful and I know she will. She's getting to an age now where she knows herself what she can and can't do and luckily for me, shes quite sensible about it. I think she knows if she wasn't, she wouldn't be allowed to live the life all her other friends do and I would HATE to do that to her!
When we got there, the mum of the party girl had already spoken to the gym people and they're going to keep an eye on her so all I have to do now is 'relax' for a couple of hours before I go get her! Easier said than done perhaps???

I am so glad Chloe got to go to the party. Gee when I think how calvalier I was about Andrew when he was on Coumadin I wonder how he survived! I even let him jump on a trampoline a few times- under my careful supervision and one child at a time!

As he got older the restrictions got well strickter :( and it still hurts that he can't play basketball and probably never will- because of his ICD. I am really hoping that roller coasters won't be totally ruled out for him. His pc didn't have an answer for that one yet. I have to call Medtronic and see what they say.

I say let her do as much as she can while she can still do it- within reason. I say bungi jumping would not have been allowed here.:D Hope she has a great time!

big hugs,
She's come home a few bruises heavier but nothing bad... she absolutely loved it! She now wants to go to gymnastics every weekend!!!

Thanks for all the support for what I know is a very silly, insignificant issue when all said and done, but was worrying me none the less,

So glad Chloe got to be with her mates. This is not something that is insignificant to her as she simply wants to live a normal life. I am happy that you were able to provide this for her. You are a good mom.
Hey Emma!
Where's my piece of birthday cake and ice cream? I was one of the ones who said let Chloe go. . .doesn't that call for some cake?????????:p :p :p :p
I'm so glad she had a good time, and equally glad that you survived the suspensful two hour wait!:D :D :D

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