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Congratulations!!! Well done!!
hi there i`m trying to find out from as many people as i can about the mechanical valve im 67 and having to have the valve replaced and need peoples opinion on how the mechanical valve has changed their lives and possible diets etc i have had a lengthily talk with a fellow member who is extremely helpful and the more information i can find out will help me immensely as i still have a few weeks before they cut me open thank you
hi there i`m trying to find out from as many people as i can about the mechanical valve im 67 and having to have the valve replaced and need peoples opinion on how the mechanical valve has changed their lives and possible diets etc i have had a lengthily talk with a fellow member who is extremely helpful and the more information i can find out will help me immensely as i still have a few weeks before they cut me open thank you
Hi Geff.

Did you see the responses to the thread you started here, including mine? https://www.valvereplacement.org/threads/choosing-right-valve.889611/
hi there i`m trying to find out from as many people as i can about the mechanical valve im 67 and having to have the valve replaced and need peoples opinion on how the mechanical valve has changed their lives and possible diets etc i have had a lengthily talk with a fellow member who is extremely helpful and the more information i can find out will help me immensely as i still have a few weeks before they cut me open thank you
I had a St.Jude valve installed on aortic valve in 2007. Thats 17 years ago. Life has been normal, other than keeping close eye in warfarin disage and periodic tests.