Greetings, I am a 20 year old male who was born with Tetrology of Fallot. I had a repair done when i was 4 to fix the defect and 17 days ago I had my Pulmonary Valve repaired. Now I am writing this to try and grasp if this is normal or not. I had surgery, got out of the hospital in 3 days, got off all pain meds in 4 days, Im just taking some ibuprofen for pain. The incision is fine, It really doesnt bother me at all. My cardiologist cleared me to go back to college, which the first days started today! Basically the only REALLY terrible pain is my head and neck. I am headache prone and I have been getting very bad headaches with stiff neck. But other than that I havent been tired at all, im cooking, and walking, attending class and just being normal. I wonder if this has to do something with my age and generally being in shape? Or do all others recover this fast, I pictured it a lot worse in my head. Any thoughts would be helpful!