13 days post op

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
Palm Beach County Florida
This is my first post in two weeks. All typos are mine, it isn't easy to type when three fingers on your writing hand are numb.

My heart valve surgery was on August 13th. It took almost eight hours, and then I was taken to ICU. I spent 5 days in ICU then transferred to the 3rd floor Cardio unit. The next day I went back to ICU because of complictions. It wasn't till Aug 22nd that I left ICU for good. If my INR level will get back to a certain range, I could come home Friday. If not, probably on Sept 2nd.

How am I feeling? Pretty darn good considering. I still have a long recovery ahead. The pain is ok, but since Surgery I've had numbness in most of my right hand. Its gotten a little better but two of my fingers are not very good.

I could write a volume on what's going on right now, but this will have to suffice for now. As far as computers go, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Hey there William, sorry to hear you had a rough start on the road to recovery.
Prayers and well wishes coming your way.

We can wait for Volume 1, Chapter 1
Sorry you have had complications, William and hope that you are reporting in from home soon!
Glad to read

Glad to read

you are feeling "pretty darn good" considering the complications. And I bet you can't wait to get home! I hope your homecoming is Friday. Just make sure you take it easy in your recovery and follow all your instructions.

I remember how hard it was to word process anything when I first got home -lots of mistakes and I would misspell the same words over and over again:D. Pump head? Anesthetic? Maybe.

Anyway good luck with the rest of your recovery. I'm a little over a month out and I have a little discomfort still when my shirt rubs against my incision, and some swelling in my leg where they harvested a graft for my double bypass. I'm on warfarin and my numbers still aren't where they should be so I get checked every week (pain in the rear). But other than that I could easily forget that I've recently had OHS! Hope you have smooth sailing from here on out.
Hi William, I bet you are glad the rough part is over, sorry to hear you had complications. Best wishes and smooth sailing from here on out !

Maybe the 8 hours you were on the table in a strange body position is causing the numbness, a pinched nerve, or sretched muscles or something could easily do it.
...As far as computers go, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
...miserable man or miserable computer ;) ?

I had a lot of numbness in my fingers and hands early on, which very slowly and eventually resolved. I found that if I gently rolled my shoulders back, whatever pinched nerve [that was causing the numbness] was relieved. But make sure your doctor clears you for that kind of movement/exercise first.

Hoping your INR settles down properly and you get to return to your home in a few days. Best wishes :) .
good to see you posting...hope your home soon
wishing you all the best....Prayers for a speedy recovery.

zipper2 (DEB)
I'm on warfarin and my numbers still aren't where they should be so I get checked every week (pain in the rear).

Ask the Tech (aka Vampire) to use the Smallest Needle possible or a Butterfly Needle. If you have prominent veins in your hands (or elsewhere) you might want to try those to give the 'usual target veins' a rest.

'AL Capshaw'