1000 press ups !

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Coast of Cornwall SW England.
I'm sure I saw something on here about Press ups this morning ? Anyway, being that I've lost my post op NHS Bible of do's and dont's .... My question is, if anybody knows, how long do I have to wait before I can do Press ups again ? I think I'm about 8 weeks since surgery now and feeling slowly but surely and very cautiously a bit stronger. I'm walking loads, up and down hills, around the coast, all over, but very aware that my top half is doing nothing but typing on this forum ! They should invent a keyboard with keys that are really hard to push down !?
So, push ups, when did you, would you, could you start ?

3 months

3 months

Hi Woodbutcher, I'm at about 8 weeks post-AVR and I just asked my cardio the same question (actually about a week ago). He recommended that I wait until 3 months (12 weeks) post-op before beginning push-ups. So, looks like you and I have about a month to go (if you take my cardio's advice -- your mileage may vary).

Shoot for me it was close to 4 months before I even felt like doing anything physically demanding. Pain free was about 6 months, and about a year before I felt mostly normal.
I would ask your doctor what they recommend. But I would be hesitant to be trying to push up my body weight at 8 weeks personally.
Hey thanks Dave n' De.... Just need a response from Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich now !!

Fantastic. How's it going generally then Dave ? What valve did you have ? I think I'll start gentley at 3 months then, that sounds good.
Thanks deWayne too... You're probably right to be cautious, it wouldn't do to go upsetting all the slow setting ? I'm just really keen to do something .
Don't rush to put your weight on your chest without having your sternum checked for soundness and solidity.
In the meantime, try some arm and chest exercises with water bottles, or elastic resistance bands.
Yep, I agree with Bina. Do something light and don't strain your arms.
Even after 8 weeks I gave myself a hair line crack in the sternum - well it was a little bigger than a hair line, from lifting a fold away treadmill.
I was told it was easy to lift......yea right.:)
Aortic Valve

Aortic Valve

Hey thanks Dave n' De.... Just need a response from Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich now !!

Fantastic. How's it going generally then Dave ? What valve did you have ? I think I'll start gentley at 3 months then, that sounds good.
Thanks deWayne too... You're probably right to be cautious, it wouldn't do to go upsetting all the slow setting ? I'm just really keen to do something .

I had my stenotic bicuspid aortic valve replaced on 10 Dec. I'm 52 and was symptom free until a couple months prior to the surgery. I ran regularly and did regular calisthenics, e.g., pull-ups, push-ups, dips, etc. Aside from the aortic valve, my heart was otherwise healthy and I was "fit" (relatively speaking). So, I'm feeling your pain right now feeling like my upper body is going to slush! I think in another month I'll try push-ups against a wall, first, to see how that feels, then slowly progress to regular push-ups. Eventually, I'd like to get back to where I was doing push-ups with my feet elevated on a chair or couch. Then, I'll know I'm "back to normal."

You might want to read about Arnold Schwarzenegger before you go all out. Granted he pushed too hard sooner than 3 months, but it's definitely an experience to learn from.

Just listen to your body. When it hurts, stop. This isn't the time for "no pain, no gain".
Do not be in too much of a hurry, just listen to your body. Meanwhile you are doing the right things like walking. Hope you back to normal very quickly.
The first time I had a valve replaced, I began bench pressing the bar (45 lbs) at about 8 weeks and slowly progressed from there. High reps and light weight can make for a pretty good workout.

Hi Justin... at my 1st rehab session 2 weeks ago, my physio had me doing pushups against the wall, but made me stand fairly close, with my arms fairly low (below shoulders) to ensure I didn't put too much pressure on the sternum (and this is the same physio who told me I should double the time I tried things on my "do's & don'ts" list!). This was done for 2 minutes as part of a circuit and I found it quite tolerable. I was also allowed to do 2 min of bicep curls with 1kg weights - but nothing over my head or behind my back... triceps will have to wait!

Now obviously I was under the watchful eye of a physio, but it was all fairly gentle and I feel a good way to slowly get build back into it, rather than waiting 12 weeks then trying to benchpress a small car! Like Joe said - low weights, high reps... helps keep you in shape and should be OK at this stage.

A : )
I started lifting weights at about 7 weeks but pretty much avoided chest work till after 3 months. I tried light weights a few times and I could feel I wasn't ready. At 4 months I was benching moderate weights and went back to doing pushups. At 6 months I was good to go, could go till my arms gave out. I sitll don't do heavy weights on the bench, don't want to put the strain on myself, but lighter weights and more reps more than compensates. I know its hard to watch your muscles shrink some but be patient, in a few months your gonna feel great and you can get back to your normal routine. No worries.
the final word they gave me at my pre-flight check-up was:

jog/run: 4 weeks
bicycle: 6 weeks (not off-road)
pushup/situp: 6-8 weeks

but the dates can change depending on the individual's condition.

but then i started doing some light workouts almost immediately. used soda cans
or 1-liter water bottles for some light resistance on arm exercises, but nothing that
would put pressure on my sternum. i'm in no hurry to start push-ups or heavier
weight-lifting; a few more weeks won't matter to me. but i will check out the
uni weight room this week to see if there are any machines that can isolate muscle
Bench Presses

Bench Presses

I waited 6 months on my own. Started with the 45# bar with high reps. Dr. recommended to use only 1/2 my body weight, or 95#! I just started that last week, and it feels good. Was benching 225# for 6 reps before surgery last August. I've decided those days are over forever. I'll be 70 this year, and there is no need for all that weight! I still think it had something to do with my dilated aortic root. I feel great and have been back in the gym since my 6th week. I've taken it slow, and am enjoying great health!! :)