10 yr. old in coma

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My best friend with whom I grew up with since we were a year old, called me to tell me that her 10 yr. old daughter was in a bad skiing accident. She was taken to a hospital in Denver via Flight for Life. She has a bad head injury along with a bruised heart, punctured lung, broken ribs, and a broken arm. She went into cardiac arrest not long after getting to the hospital and basically "flat lined" but they were able to bring her back. She is now in a coma and they have no idea on the extent of the brain damage or if she'll for sure make it at all. The Dr. told them that she needed a miracle to make it through the first night and she did, so miracles do happen, but it's going to take another miracle for her to pull through this. I feel lost and don't know what to do, this friend is just like a sister to me and her daughter is like a niece. I live 200 miles away, so it's really hard to not be there for her. I might be able to get over there this weekend.

This family can use many many prayers to help her pull through. This is such a great support system here that I knew I could count on you all for support and prayers! Her name is Macall.

Thank you,
Dear DeeDee - it is heart rending when we hear of a child who is suffering. I will pray that she receives yet another miracle - in fact, all the miracles she needs, to get well and be a carefree child again. I hope you can get there soon to be with her and her mother. God bless. Ann
DeeDee -

My heart goes out to you, your friend, her daughter, and their family and friends. I hope things will go well. Young people often recover very well from acquired traumatic brain injuries. (My younger son did when he was thirteen years old and comatose with a closed head injury from a horse accident; he's completely wonderfully fine today at twenty-one years old. Early on, though, his prognosis was bleak. I hope things go in the best possible way for your friends.) Private Message me if you like.

Most sincere best wishes, ~Susan
I am so sorry to hear such heartbreaking news. Some years ago, I did cognitive therapy and neuropsych testing with head injury patients. Invariably, family members would tell me that doctors had been very pessimistic about their loved one's prognosis. Yet the overwhelming majority of the individuals I worked with ended up with a far better outlook than the families had been led to hope for. I think doctors are trying not to raise futile hope and expectations. If she can just make it through the next few days and especially if her coma is short (less than 2 weeks) she has a good chance of a really successful rehabilitation. The longer the coma, in general, the greater the likelihood of more pervasive damage. The fact that she is so young is certainly very much in her favor. I'm obviously focusing on her cognitive abilities. If she can make it through her other injuries, her personality, memory and other cognitive functions really are the most important features that make up WHO this child is. I hope she can find her way back to her family. Her folks are going to need a lot of support from friends like you. You'll all be very much in my thoughts.

I am so sorry. I will also say a special prayer for your friend's daughter and their family. Sue mentioned some important information, as hard as it is to think about right now, it's probably good that Macall is as young as she is.

We are here for you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you your friend and her daughter. Leave your burdens in the hands of God. He has power over all things.
Thank you all, I knew I could depend on you, you guys are the GREATEST!!!! It's been a day of tears and fears for us, but we're trying to keep positive thoughts. I will keep you up to date on any changes, hopefully all good!

Thanks again, it's unreal the support here. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without VR.com ;)

~DeeDee~ :)
I'll pray for Macall too!

I'll pray for Macall too!

May God be with her and bring her through this... and back to her family and friends.

I'm sending positive thoughts her way....

Please keep us posted on how she is.

All the best
Anna : )
Prayer is a powerful thing, and your friend and her daughter will certainly be included in mine.

I have already added her to the list... in fact have already said the first prayer.

Please keep us posted.

God Bless you and your dear friends.

May the Lord Bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you....
And grant you peace!
I will also think positive thoughts for this child. I really feel for her as I have suffered with two subdural hematomas last August and I can only imagine how much more difficult her recuperation will be. Miracles do happen.............please keep us posted.
Thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. Macall is still pretty much the same. Since she's in an induced coma they tried last night to gradually start reducing the drugs that they use to induce the coma, but her blood pressure went sky high, so they weren't able to do it. They said they were going to try again this morning. Haven't heard anything since. I'll try to keep you guys up to date as much as possible. Thanks again for all of your concerns!

I've been thinking about and praying for this child. My husband was hit by a car when he was 8 and was in a coma for two weeks. He was very fortunate that he came out of it with no damage (including seizures, headaches, etc.); but at the time they were unable to offer his folks much hope or information.

Kids are tough and resilient; McCall's age is a big plus. We'll keep all fingers and toes crossed; and remember her during this most holy of weeks in Christianity.


McCall is on my prayer list..Having an age 11 year old Grandson..I cannot imagine what her parents are going thru.. Keep in touch..Bonnie

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