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  1. N

    Keloid Scarring Post-Surgery

    Hi all, Does anyone have any experience reducing the appearance of a Keloid Scar from a median sternotomy post-surgery. I am approx 5-months out and notice it’s developed a keloid appearance being red, raised outside normal surgical borders. I read online that outside of surgical...
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    Regarding afib

    Did your surgeon's office give you a number to call when you both got home? When I had my one bout of A-Fib (that only lasted 3-5 mins) post-surgery, I called that number and asked for their advice. FOR ME they said to not go to ER so long as A-Fib was short lived HR during A-Fib episode was...
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    Erratic heartbeat after surgery

    You are doing a great job. I was also moody and irritable short-term in the hospital and this is coming from someone who is a healthcare provider and promised myself I would be nothing but cheerful post-surgery-- it happens. Combo of the drugs, surgery and just feeling crummy and having change...
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    Erratic heartbeat after surgery

    There is your (his) beta blocker. Not traditionally used but can be used if someone is in A-Fib to help control rate/rhythm. It has a shorter window of action than say... Metoprolol meaning it doesn't have as long sustained effects. Hard to say why they used this vs. Metoprolol without seeing...
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    Erratic heartbeat after surgery

    In my experience, it depends.. If it's just a normal sinus tachycardia (normal rhythm but elevated rate) they likely won't shock him and might adjust medication to lower the rate. If it's an abnormal rhythm (SVT or A-Fib) for instance, they may do a procedure (cardioversion) either through...
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    15-Week Post-Op Echo and Life Update

    Funny you said this actually. At my follow-up I discussed that with my doctor and he sent off the referral. Received a call yesterday from a coag clinic (some offshoot of Abbott)-- explaining the process and how it works. The horrible part is, it's yes a monthly subscription that covers 4...
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    15-Week Post-Op Echo and Life Update

    Hi all! I just had a follow-up with my cardiologist and at my suggestion he ordered an echo to evaluate any post-surgical changes (I had a mechanical AVR w/ aneurysm repair on June 25th, 2024). For background, 28M very active and asymptomatic prior to surgery. Disclaimer before I share- I...
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    Surgery is officially recommended

    For me, this was in the form of lidocaine patches that they were allowed to put on me 2x a day. It helped somewhat. On the topic of pain management- the Norco (Acetaminophen-Hydrocodone) they gave me worked the best with minimal side effects compared to the stronger stuff however what worked...
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    Tips to prevent Endocarditis?

    Hi all! I've been doing some research around the forums and online for tips to prevent endocarditis (to the best of your ability- sometimes things just happen), but I was wondering if anyone has any tips their doctor/surgeon suggested/they have picked up to do their best to lower the...
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    For the sake of hitting my daily target.. it sure is. Helps balance the margarita… right?
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    Yeah.. not giving up my Guac but good to know 😉.
  12. N

    Hard pounding in the chest after mechanical AVR

    Sorry— I seemed to have missed this. Current resting is 70-75 as I type this message. Any walking/activity bumps it to 80-90 and exercise still has it 100-125 depending on intensity. Up until week 4-5 it was consistently 80-95 at rest even with my metoprolol. Recently it has slowed down a...
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    Hard pounding in the chest after mechanical AVR

    I am only 8-weeks post mechanical AVR and aortic root replacement. Definitely empathize with what you are feeling. I feel the thumping in my chest if I take a deep inhale or lay on my left or right side. Considering this normal due to the nature of the hardware in my chest and not stressing...
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    Frequency of teeth cleanings at the dentist

    I always think you should get 2 or 3 opinions if someone tells you to go more than twice a year. I moved to another state for school a few years ago, the new dentist said I have periodontitis and I needed to come 3-4x a year to get routine cleanings and 1 deep cleaning. I always had some form...
  15. N

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    Also I had the whole ‘half circle in the top of my eyes’ pre-surgery for years that you described that usually preceded a headache so my doctor attributed it to migraine based symptoms
  16. N

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    Very similar. Progressive greying out almost in a tunnel vision lasting 30 seconds to a couple minutes then receding back out slowly until no deficits remained.
  17. N

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    Typically it’s not in just one eye- which is why my ophthalmologist suggested the head and neck CTA. His ruling after that came back all normal was no concern and medication and subsequent blood pressure related :). Wish you all the best.
  18. N

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    Hi! Also experienced the same visual change as you described (one eye; my right only). This occurred ~2-4 weeks after my aortic valve replacement and I was on Warfarin/Robaxin/Metoprolol at this time. I took my blood pressure when these episodes occurred and always saw an orthostatic drop of...
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    What is a good watch/ wearable to measure heart rate and heart rate variability?

    Yes-- I bought the Series 9 right before my surgery. But every series after Series 4 has a ECG. I don't know if mine is more accurate being a later version- but I know they are about to go on sale due to the Series 10 releasing sooner vs later. It detected (so far) the only run of A-Fib I had...
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    20 years

    As someone who has had what (to me) seems like random bouts of SVT for a few years now (random HR increases to 140-150 for 30 seconds to 2 minutes at rest/not provoked) that seems to happen every couple months, can you share what your symptoms were for your arrhythmia/how the recovery from the...