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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    I'm not worried about how to self test, it's about how to afford the machine and the strips, which I have been prescribed and insurance will cover if we can find a supplier. I'll look at the companies everyone suggested after work today, thanks everyone. About trying a different line of work, I...
  2. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Do they accept insurance?
  3. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Ok it's a 6 hour drive not 600 miles, I misspoke when I said that, but it's an impossible trip to make all the time. It's hard enough driving 2 hours (each way) to get my INR checked every 3 weeks, I thank YHWH it stabilized and I don't have to go twice a week anymore. They prescribed me a home...
  4. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Sounds like you guys have more dedicated doctors than I do. I'm not supposed to see my cardiologist for another 6 months, and nobody told me what time to take my medications or anything. I also forgot to mention that I get atrial flutter and they've had to jump start me twice. Once chemically...
  5. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Lol I do a lot of manual labor in 120⁰ heat. Shoveling mud in the sun for the water department. We have hundreds of miles of pipe and only 3 guys to keep it all running. Nothing glamorous.
  6. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Oh, and no I have no way to do cardiac rehab. I live 600 miles from anywhere that offers that.
  7. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Thanks for the info... I'm on carvedilol and warfarin. Just saw the cardiologist last week for my 6 month checkup, he said it's normal and I can't expect to get back all function, but the surgeon said he expected me to make a full recovery... do I need a new cardiologist? He said because of the...
  8. R

    Howdy everyone! Just found this site.

    Hi guys. I'm a 40 year old male part cyborg with an on-x artificial valve and aorta graft. I had an aortic dissection a little over 6 months ago and only survived because I told the doctors to do a d-dimer test. They checked me for heart attack and said everything looked fine and it was probably...
  9. R

    New member

    Hi, I just found this website. I had a valve replacement 6 months ago after an aortic dissection.