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  1. G

    New Member

    Hi Dawn i am having the same done to me in august can you please keep us updated on how things go for you i am having a very hard decision as to what valve to have both have negatives can you tell me what valve you have decided and why ? and are they doing ohs thank you
  2. G

    Feeling a whirlwind of emotions—sadness, confusion, bewilderment, …, etc. after my recent “Bubble echo” test, which uncovered a hole in my heart.

    can you be honest with me and can you tell me if you had a second chance would you have a mechanical valve again and does the sound of it bother you is it loud
  3. G

    Feeling a whirlwind of emotions—sadness, confusion, bewilderment, …, etc. after my recent “Bubble echo” test, which uncovered a hole in my heart.

    wow when you hear reports for strokes with the mechanical valve it sways you towards the bovine valve yet i read on this site that that valve had malfunctioned after only a couple of years very hard to make a decision of which valve to go ahead with when you hear feedback not good from both of...
  4. G

    Feeling a whirlwind of emotions—sadness, confusion, bewilderment, …, etc. after my recent “Bubble echo” test, which uncovered a hole in my heart.

    hi buck can you tell me if you were testing you INR on a regular basis before the stroke and were you getting blood tests done prior thanks
  5. G

    choosing right valve

    you guys are great and so helpful i`m tossing back and forth as they are both good but both have issues, i just hope on the day i make the right choice I hope there's not much prior to the surgery as i had to go and get my teeth done ooch three out and one had to have 6 stitches and in a lot of...
  6. G

    19 year anniversary with my bovine valve

    Hi Duffy I'm still a little undecided of what valve to have can you tell me a little more about the bovine valve you had done and what age were you when they did the ohs thank you
  7. G

    choosing right valve

    Thank you so much for taking the time and explaining to me in detail about the two valves originally i was leaning towards the mechanical valve but now after reading your response i am looking at the cow valve the only thing which sometimes put me back to the mechanical is the fact that the cow...
  8. G

    choosing right valve

    Thank you athens1964 for all the information regarding the Avalus Ultra valve unfortunately the valve has only been approved for the USA and not in Australia as yet unless there is some type of miracle that it gets approved over here within the next 7 weeks then I'm still back to the other two...
  9. G

    choosing right valve

    Again thank you all for your wonderful support and time to respond if everyone in our world were the same as you all, we all would have the perfect world thank you so much. Everything you have shared helps me 100% I am so grateful to all of you
  10. G

    choosing right valve

    Thank you very much Deidra you have reassured me as to pretty well decide as to what valve to have, I have only joined this forum recently and already amazed of the helpful and kind people out there who take the time to reply and help new members, sadly I still have to wait a few weeks to have...
  11. G

    choosing right valve

    Thank you very much for your helpful advice and the others who have also shared advice for me, i`m lucky that i have a few weeks to do my research and looking at going at the moment for the mechanical valve as i already have to take pills so an extra 1 or 2 a day wont effect me also if i`m...
  12. G

    18 and ticking

    hi there i`m trying to find out from as many people as i can about the mechanical valve im 67 and having to have the valve replaced and need peoples opinion on how the mechanical valve has changed their lives and possible diets etc i have had a lengthily talk with a fellow member who is...
  13. G

    choosing right valve

    hi i need to have my aorta valve replaced as its severely enlarged and the valves are not working properly and finding it very hard to decide whether a cow tissue or mechanical would be best both have problems i am 67 the mechanical you have to live with the ticking noise and also blood thinners...