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  1. jeffp

    Pre op anticoagulation

    That should be up to the surgeon in conjunction with your cardiologist (or vice versa). Are you having an implant in the joint or just cleaning up bone and cartilage surfaces? It’s not a bloody highly vascular area. The surgeon should be able to do the procedure while the INR is around 2 with...
  2. jeffp

    11 Years

    Congratulations and hopefully many more to come. Today’s my 19th valvaversary. I can’t say “takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’ “ as I no longer hear it. Doc says it’s fibrosis around the annulus and the fat I’ve added over the years with age. Been self testing and managing for most of...
  3. jeffp

    Testing Strips for Roche CoaguChek XS

    Thanks Tom. Good find. I’ll save the link for when I need more strips. If its still available; I can see a “cease and desist” request possibility in the future. (Yeah, I tend to be a bit of a pessimist when it comes to corporate overreach.)
  4. jeffp

    Testing Strips for Roche CoaguChek XS

    Yup, what @pellicle said. In the US, Roche limits the sale of its strips to medical providers only. I’m a retired doc and even I can’t get them through my supply house without shipping to a commercial address. Stupid; but when you’re the single source of something, you can pretty much do what...
  5. jeffp

    One year with mechanical valve

    “Big guns”….”trigger”able….. I see what you did there. Good one. 😁
  6. jeffp

    BAV facing OHS in Oct (AVR and aorta graft)

    I’ve been following, but not commenting (until now). What’s been said about warfarin on both sides is true. The surgeons are right in that there are lots of people with risk of bleed out on warfarin. The fact that you’re here and asking questions leads me to think you’d be at the tail end of...
  7. jeffp

    One year with mechanical valve

    I must not be good at reading flow charts…. If my INR is too high, I’d decrease the dose. Then again, my liver doesn’t read flow charts either. (You need to swap the boxes in the decision tree). 😁
  8. jeffp

    Heart valve surgery and male impotency.

    We got some leather furniture some years ago and there was a tag on them saying something to the effect of: “No two hides are the same and each comes with a unique blend of scars, marks, and variations that add to the beauty of high-quality leather”. My wife and I have accumulated a good number...
  9. jeffp

    NEWBIE: Needs advice

    Holy wow! That fact that you’re here, and able to put together coherent sentences and post them, means the powers that be are looking out for you. You’ve got a long road ahead after your ordeal (what a story to tell). Keep on progressing and sucking on that cursed repirometer. Best wishes...
  10. jeffp

    Open Heart surgeries and Neurological problems

    Welcome Pauly. I think a majority of us here have had some degree of “pump head”. Took me probably 6 weeks to get close to seeming normal to the outside world. Lots of lingering neurological symptoms came and went for 2 years or so. Lots of scans and MRI’s. Some normal, some with “possible...
  11. jeffp

    New Member

    Wow! Quite the story/adventure. Welcome. We get to be like family after a while (with similar pluses and minuses). Pull up a chair and join in.
  12. jeffp

    NEWBIE: Needs advice

    Bing! Give that man a cookie. It’s as simple as that. The purchasing person for the hospital gets input from the surgeons and sees what they can get the best reliable stocking at a good price, and goes with that. Price is less of a driver that you’d expect, the difference gets passed along in...
  13. jeffp

    Do you forget to take your med pills?

    We’ll, duh. If you don’t take yer meds, youse won’t get the desired effect. Yeah, I get it 100%. Very few of my patients on chronic meds had good compliance. I always had them bring their prescription bottles in, and at the end of the 30 days, somehow they frequently seemed to have 10 days...
  14. jeffp

    Do you forget to take your med pills?

    I thought I was the only one doing this. Many a time I thought I took the meds, but found that it was probably yesterday’s memory. Or I think I forgot to take them, but discovered I did. Likely it’s partly due to getting old, but I tell myself it’s because of being busy and having too much...
  15. jeffp

    Member from long ago- Praline

    Welcome back Praline. I joined about a year before you, so there’s still some classics around. And like you, I moved on for a while and found myself back after a long hiatus. Can’t say exactly what brought me back though. Met some fine new folks; got a bit nostalgic for for some of the...
  16. jeffp

    NEWBIE: Needs advice

    Just for grins and giggles I put my personal situation into the algorithm chart: 50 y/o at time of surgery, MVR, no other health issues. It’s missing important branches of the decision tree. The options for not at risk of TE are either life expectancy “very short” or “<10-15 yrs”. I’m already...
  17. jeffp

    New member

    Subdermal I wouldn’t worry about all too much. We all get bumps and bruises. If you meant “subdural” before auto spell fixed it for you, that’s a different story. Brain bleeds are bad under all circumstances. INR of 6 is high, but not gawd awful so. How’s your blood pressure? High INR and...
  18. jeffp

    INR difference between lab and my Coagucheck

    Old saying: a man with 2 watches never knows what time it is. This was before GPS synced phones. I’ve had similar INR experiences. I tend to trust the XS more than the labs for INR. I know how the strips are handled and stored. Blood draws can sit for a while, be stored too hot, reagents can...
  19. jeffp

    6 Month Post-Surgery

    Wow! Very excellent and good to hear. I chuckled when I read you did 1,080 miles since February. I don’t think I’ve driven 1,080 miles since February. Not heart related, just work from home. You’re an inspiration to not only our younger members, but us old guys too.
  20. jeffp

    Going in for 3rd OHS in 2 weeks at Cleveland Clinic

    Wow! You must be doing good. Posting less than a week after OHS. When I got home from the hospital 9 days after surgery my head was so fogged up I was just able to watch TV. It wasn’t on, I just sat and “watched” it. I forgot how to turn it on. Something like a computer or cellphone was way...