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  1. D

    Hello, 2 months post-op VA San Diego

    ☆☆☆ Update ☆☆☆ I am now 4 months post-surgical from the San Diego VA hospital. With an OnX valve,and I feel like a million bucks! I still have some sternal pain, which is negligible. I have since had cataract surgery, and am going in for an endoscopy with a Lovonox bridge,starting tomorrow.the...
  2. D

    Hello, 2 months post-op VA San Diego

    epstns You're dead on right! Vietnam, 69-70, 71-72 beaucoup DinkyDau :) I'm glad your daughter felt that way,and she had every right to feel that way. I love the VA.
  3. D

    Hello, 2 months post-op VA San Diego

    I'm very fortunate, as I go to the Veterans Administration Hospital and get all my surgery, and follow up treatment for free. This includes all my medications Despite all the news about the VA and it's poor treatment of Veterans, I have never had poor medical care through them. It was just a...
  4. D

    Hello, 2 months post-op VA San Diego

    Thanks for the welcome folks! I'm starting to feel like a human being again. Next I have upcoming cataract surgery on October 8th.
  5. D

    Hello, 2 months post-op VA San Diego

    Hi, I'm a 61 year old patient of the VA Medical Center Las Vegas. I was sent to the San Diego VA Medical Center for the actual surgery and post-op recovery. Las Vegas has a new hospital, but still don't have the facility to do the procedure, they will shortly. I had the OnX valve replacement...